Monday, July 27, 2009

Cousin K's Birthday...

We were in Michigan friday thru sunday, to celebrate Kieran's 2nd birthday. It was a fun filled weekend that flew by!

We arrived friday evening, went out to dinner with Molly, Blayne and Kieran; and enjoyed some ice cream of course. Saturday was Kieran's train birthday party! Rowan was busy.
She played some baseball, or something like that!
She played on the slide and the pool!
She tried to enjoy some candy from the Thomas pinata!
She helped open presents, and modelled K's new cape!
She followed Kieran everywhere! He was a bit annoyed by his new shadow.
Rowan was way more into the new FJ Cruiser than Kieran was!
Needless to say, it was a fun filled crazy weekend. And then it was time to come home!

Illinois Zoo...

We extended our weekend out of town, and left early for Chicago on Thursday. We spent the night at Dusty's place, and then headed to the Brookfield Zoo on Friday. It was nice to visit a different zoo, though it is weird having no idea where to go, and where everything is.

Rowan enjoyed the petting zoo and the children's zoo. And we even managed to take a ride on the Carousel. Ed opted out and took pictures instead! It was a beautiful day for the zoo.
After the zoo, we took a detour to Ikea for a few things. We had wanted to buy Rowan a table and chairs for her birthday, so we managed to squeeze Ikea into the trip. It was squeezing it all into the car that was an issue. But we all made it home. Photos to come of Rowan and her new table and chairs (aka jungle gym)!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Coming January 2010...

No, I am not pregnant.

But Molly is!

Rowan will have another cousin at the end of January 2010!

Congratulations Blayne and Molly!
And Big Brother Kieran too!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Knutson get together...

Last night, we got together with several Knutson family members because Tim, Bissy, Nicholas and Peter were in town. It actually was a very nice afternoon. Some used the pool, we had some appetizers and dinner too. For several family it had been awhile or even their first time seeing her, so they were impressed with her talents these days.

Goofy Girl...

Rowan frequently plays in the drawers in the living room, removing candles, and M&M bags, and whatever else she finds necessary, occassionally closing her fingers in the drawer. But today, she decided she would climb right in the drawer with the items she usually removes.

The McNally-Scoptur Wedding

Ed and I had the pleasure of attending my girlfriend from works wedding last night. It was so much fun! The wedding was at St. Jude Church in Wauwatosa, and the dinner and reception was at the Milwaukee Art Museum, it was all beautiful! Dinner was fabulous, the band was good, and the company was good! The UW Band was also in attendance to help celebrate with the alumni! Video footage to come!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New to us Swingset...

We were lucky enough to be offered a swingset for free from our friend Mike! Of course we couldn't pass that up. So last minute, Ed borrowed a trailer and was off to Wales to pick it up. We will powerwash and stain it, and it will be like brandnew!

Here it is, unassembled!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

1 Year Stats...

Rowan was at the pediatrician today for her 1 year check-up...

Weight: 19 pounds 13.5 ounces (35th percentile)
Length: 29 1/2 inches (75th percentile)

2 immunizations...still makes me well up with tears...but yet, when I give immunizations at work to other babies, it really doesn't bother me, it doesn't make sense?

They also did a blood test (finger prick) for Iron and Lead levels. Her Hgb was 11.4 (they want it greater than 11), and her lead level was 3.5. Supposedly they consider less than 5 negative for lead. But, the pediatrician said he usually sees 0, given the area and what not. So we were brainstorming why she would have any in her blood? All we could come up with is the paint from our previous residence? I may have to do some further research on this. But ultimately, it is fine. We will recheck it in 3 months to be sure it is down, or gone. Usually they just remove the source (which we have already done, since we have moved!), and beyond that they would send us to the hospital to have a real blood sample drawn, because apparently skin flora can contaminate the level and essentially give you a false number. And if it was still elevated, then there is some sort of treatment, but I don't think we will get that far!

So now it is on to Vitamin D/Whole Milk, no more formula!!! And before we know it, no more bottles hopefully. I really have had my fair share of washing bottles! Perhaps if she would learn to hold it herself, I wouldn't mind them so bad either!

Another Bday Party...

Tonight we were invited to Karen and Doug's house for dinner, cake and presents as a belated birthday party for Rowan. So Rowan got to open more gifts, and get messy again eating cake. This time we could actually light the candle as we were inside. It was too windy outside the other two times she had her cake!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Pretty toes...

I painted Rowan's toe nails last week, for the first time ever. It was quite the project. It took Ed to hold her, and her legs, and Nana to entertain, and me to paint. The birthday girl deserved it!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

4-wheeler professional...

Look Mom, no hands!

Rowan had a chance to ride her new 4 wheeler before it was wrapped last week, and learned how to push the button to go. But you would never know she had seen it before, because the look on her face when she got on it after opening it, was so excited.

And she got on, and put her feet up, and away she went. Not sure where she learned that, but it was super cute. And then she clapped for herself too!

Video to come! P.S. We won't take credit for this gift, it was from Grandpa and Grandma Bremberger!

Reading with Papa...

This was super cute, Papa reading to his grandson and granddaughter! KB wasn't so interested in the Barbie book he was reading to Rowan, so he read his own!
I will take this time to make a confession, we are not good about reading books to Rowan anymore. We used to do it when she was a baby, and before going to bed. But she goes to bed so easily now that we just put her to bed after her bath and that is it. We have to work on that.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cousins in the Tub...

I wish I could say this was just a first time cousins taking a bath together story. You know, when they are young enough for it to be okay!

But there is more to the story....

Rowan decided her 1st time to ever poop in the tub, would be when her poor cousin Kieran was in the tub with her! Sorry KB, we can try again when we come to visit for your birthday!

Needless to say, I got to don the gloves and bleach out the tub, and bath toys for the first time! And hopefully the last!

Cupcake 1st Birthday Party...

We had a quaint birthday party for Rowan today. Well, as quaint and it can be with having large families. We invited Rowan's immediate family, and a few close friends. As much as we would have loved to invite all family and friends, it just isn't financially feasible, as well as space friendly.

But her short little party was quite a fun one. It flew by. 2 hours is a short time to cram in eating, presents, cupcakes, and playtime. But we did it. It was perfect, she napped until about 1030am, party started at 11am, and she was down for another nap by 2pm! And she was very well behaved the entire time. Of course she lost interest in the gifts about half way through, but when a girl is as spoiled as she, there are a lot of gifts to open!

Here is Rowan in her three outfits of the day. The plan was the tutu with the cupcake shirt, pricely little shirt, but adorable. But the tutu was irritating her (it is a little big for her still), so we changed into a different pink skirt. Then we couldn't wait to play in the pool and watertable, so we ditched the suiting shirt and skirt for a swimsuit! I am sure you are all surprised to not see a bow on her head, but they don't last long anymore. We tried the birthday princess crown, and that didn't last long either.
Here is Rowan and her 3 boyfriends playing very well together! The boys in attendance were: Maison (neighbor boyfriend, will be 2 in September), Cousin Kieran (will be 2 on the 27th), and Breyson (2nd cousin once removed or something like that, he was 1 in May)
Rowan had a blast going down the slide into the pool, Grandpa Bill and Uncle Blayne both helped her slide down several times!
The cupcake eating!
And last but not least, presents! Lots of presents. Now I need to pack away some old ones to make room for the new ones!
Hope you all don't mind the new collage look, it is way easier than uploading tons of photos! Thanks again Molly!

Friday, July 10, 2009

12 Months Old...

Back when I was more on the ball, and Rowan didn't require so much supervision, I consistently posted weekly pictures, and then monthly, and then I stopped. Well, it was partly also in due to it being impossible to get her to sit still in order to take her picture. So here is what I could get for 1 year pictures. I am still thinking about taking her in and having her picture taken. I guess I better decide soon, or next thing you know she will be 2!

I was also introduced to collaging in Picasa by my sister-in-law Molly. It is a bit easier and cuter, than posting all individual photos. If you click on the photo collage you should be able to enlarge to see the pictures better, I think?
We made Rowan a cake to eat on her actual birthday, confetti angel food! Apparently this is what Ed always had as a child too. She really liked it! (Confession, her Dad made the cake, and Nana made the frosting, Mom was busy sleeping after working the night before! Sorry I couldn't contribute)

Our baby is 1...

Happy Birthday Miss Rowan!

This has been the fasted year of my life. I think Ed would agree. And by far the most fun. She keeps us very busy, with her busy, high maintenance personality. We look forward to what she will continue to teach us as she gets older. And the many fun days ahead for our little family!

We love you Rowan!
Love, Mommy and Daddy

Here she was, one year ago! Such a little peanut!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Children's Museum...

Yesterday, we took Rowan to the Children's Museum in Delafied. Nana had stopped by during the day to check it out, and they had free admission from 3-5pm, so we decided to take Rowan.

They had a lot of different things to do, but much of it was a bit advanced for Rowan. She was more interested in the older kids stuff of course. With her not being completely stable with walking, we had to follow her around and help her. She had fun though!For those interested in the rates and hours to join in the fun, visit

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July...

Rowan's 1st July 4th was a pretty good one. We spent the morning at home relaxing and getting in a good nap so that we could play in the afternoon.

We went over to Grandpa and Grandma Knutson's house after lunch and hung out. We had appetizers there, then the parade was at 4pm, and then we had dinner too. Rowan made it through the afternoon without a nap. Barely. We attempted to nap in the pack n play, but that didn't happen. So once we ate dinner, we had to dead home for a bath and bedtime. Needless to say, she didn't make it until any fireworks, but I got a few picture of fireworks visible from the deck. Not too bad. It was too buggy out to get out watching them anyway.

Hope everyone enjoyed their 4th of July, can't believe Rowan's birthday is less than a week away! What a fast year!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pantry Playtime...

If you ever leave the pantry door open, you will have an overly willing helper to pick out some food. She even steps right in, grabs whatever she pleases, and then is stuck, because she can't get back down!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Lawn Mower Fun...

The last couple of days, Rowan has spent some time playing on the lawn mower. We never had a rider before. So she went for a short ride with Dad while he was mowing the other day. And then when Dad was out doing some major tree trimming, we helped pull the branches to the fire pit with the tractor. Rowan was having fun. One night, the neighbor Mallory was over to visit, Rowan loves to play with her, so they sat on the tractor together as well. Cheap entertainment!