Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tooth #3...

Finally, another tooth. Rowan has had the same two teeth since she was 5 months old. Now almost 9 months old, and we have another one. I don't have a picture of it yet, as I only found it by feeling to begin with. It is on the top, not one of the front two teeth, but the one next to that on her left side. Once it comes in better, or I get the right angle, there will for sure be photos!

Friday, March 27, 2009

1st Place & #1 Fan...

The Pirhanas win! 1st place baby!

Twice in the game, I didn't think Ed was gonna get back up. One time he bent his leg back big time, and I thought for sure his knee was gone. But he got back on the ice. Then later in the game, he took a stick to the junk, and got up even slower. After 4 minutes in the penalty box, he was ready to go again. Perhaps he deserved that stick to the junk? Never! The guy that did it, got ejected from the game!

Thank god the season is over, Rowan is sick of squeezing into her snow suit!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stand, Stand, Stand...

This is her favorite thing to stand by, and she thinks she is so slick when she does it. I try to keep it in the middle of the room, so when she falls there isn't too much for her to hit her head on. She falls frequently, hasn't quite figured out how to get down yet.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Leopard girl...

Here is Rowan, almost 37 weeks old. Which is nearing 9 months old, yikes! Time sure flies. She is so silly these days, and thinks she is so big. Trying to pull herself up on anything and everything, she just started crawling, isn't there a little bit of time in between crawling and standing and walking? not for Miss Rowan!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Little Swimmers...

Today Rowan and I got to go swimming with our friends. A relative of one of my girlfriends was kind enough to let us enjoy their indoor pool, and Rowan loved it! Rowan's little hands and feet were so wrinkled when we got out!
This might be the only time she wears this swimsuit. She has 2 swimsuits that she got when she was born, that are 6-12 months, and they are very snug already, her torso is too long!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunny Sunday...

It is so much nicer to take pictures in the house when it is sunny outside, and we don't get much direct sunlight, but what we get works! Rowan wore my favorite baby legs today, and they matched this one onesie perfect, she is super cute and ready for spring, or even summer. Although, our mini photo sessions are very difficult now that she moves, and she is getting faster, and wants to try to climb on things, especially us when we are on the floor. So I take what I can get!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Gizmo!!

Gizmo is 4 years old today!!

More pictures to come later when he has opened his gifts and eaten his birthday cupcake!Rowan and I stopped at the Petlicious Dog Bakery on our way home from Mukwonago and got Gizmo his own birthday treat. He was a bit unsure about it at first, but he ate the whole thing in the end!

Rowan was helping sing Happy Birthday to Giz, her favorite buddy!

You can see she helped him open his gifts and play with them too!

To Mukwonago we went...

Rowan and I took a ride to Mukwonago to visit Andi and Breyson today. Breyson still has the upper hand on Rowan. He is such a little beefcake! He still likes to grab her face/head/shirt, you name it, he was trying to get it. Then we would put his mouth on her hands, not sure if he was thinking about biting or what, but he slobbered them up just like everything else! Even though Rowan is moving around, he is still faster, hopefully after they are 1 year old, and walking, she will be faster than him and catch him and beat him up. She owes him! They are super cute together though!

Nakey baby...

Rowan loves to be naked, she hates it when we get her dressed. So last night after our walk and before bathtime, Ed decided to strip her down and let her venture around without some clothes on for a short while. It really was warm enough for it in the house, we even had the doors open to get a little fresh air before the sun went down.

Of course I couldn't take pictures without new headgear! I was trying to save this flower for
Easter, but I haven't decided what she will be wearing for Easter yet, so I decided why save it!

Stroller Lover...

Because the weather has been so nice this week, we have used Rowan's stroller a lot, and without the carseat. She seems to love it. She has done very well in it. Especially when you put snacks in the tray, she just grabs them and munches away!

Yesterday we even went to the museum. Ed and I wanted to see the Titanic exhibit, so we went a little before our scheduled time so we could walk around the rest of the museum and get our moneys worth. I don't remember the museum being so boring, I guess back when we went in school it was a day out of school, so it was great. All in all, the Titanic was very interesting and educational, but probably not worth the money. But it was an afternoon out of the house, and Rowan was a very good little girl. Definitely not worth only 3 hours of sleep after working the night before, but oh well. Can't let life just pass us by sleeping, right?

Enjoy the photos from earlier this week, Rowan, Gizmo and I went for a walk and hung out outside a bit!
We are having hat issues already this spring. All the 6-12 month hats are too big and she can't see anything, but this hat that is 3-6 months is too small, it worked for the day though!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day...

...from our little lucky charm!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a nice weekend...

This was quite a nice weekend, both weather wise and laid back! I worked thursday and friday night, so of course I spent a few hours saturday sleeping. But we spent the afternoon grocery shopping (Rowan sat in the shopping cart for the first time, with her cart cover of course), cleaning the house a bit, and relaxing. We went for a walk after dinner last night, then Rowan had a bath and went to bed. She used her stroller without the carseat for the first time. She did fine, she couldn't really move because she had her fleece one piece suit on (that she usually wears to Ed's hockey games), so she couldn't move much, it is a bit small, but since Spring is almost here there is no use buying a new one for this season.

Then today, Ed worked at Menards this morning. Then we ran a few errands this afternoon, went out for a late lunch, then relaxed. We didn't go for a walk because Ed didn't want to over-exert himself before his playoff game tonight. If they lose, it is his last game of this winter session. So we took Gizmo out to run a few minutes tonight and took a few pictures outside. Rowan is taking a short nap now (supposed to be bedtime) and then I am going to transfer her to her carseat and head to Ed's game. He doesn't think we are coming, but he always gives me guilt trips about not coming. And I would feel bad if it is his last game and no one is there.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Lunch playdate...

Today we had a lunch playdate with some of my friends from work. We all contributed fixings for Taco Salads, or quesadillas for the kids. Rowan and I brought dessert since we arrived late due to naptime. It is always nice to get out of the house for a few hours, the kids seem to really enjoy it too. Makes for a great afternoon nap!

The girls got to help make their quesadillas! They even dressed up to do it! Sassy girls! Can't wait until Rowan is joining in.
Rowan enjoyed goobering up toys that weren't hers. Good thing Ella didn't see her sucking on the baby's head, she wasn't a fan of Rowan eating her toys. Hopefully her sister Lily keeps her hands off when she gets bigger!

More Presents...

Rowan and Gizmo are both very spoiled by our friends and family. Seems like everytime someone comes to visit, they are bringing one of them something. But this time they were wrapped, that is a treat!

Karen and Doug stopped by last night to visit, and brought Gizmo his birthday present (he will be 4 on March 18th), and a little gift for Rowan too. So they both had wrapping paper to play with. They were good sharers (if that is a word?).

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

8 Months Old...

Where has 8 Months gone???

I am not sure...but boy has she kept us busy and on our toes. Rowan is turning into such a little person. If you have kept up with the postings, you know that she is doing just about everything, except walking (thank god).

She hasn't been quite herself the past week, not sure if it is because of her moving around more, or perhaps some teeth might be on the way, plus Ed and I have had colds, so she might have caught a little something. But her eating and sleeping haven't been very stellar! But we deal with it, and life goes on!

You can tell our obsession with bows hasn't stopped. I have decided it isn't just bows, it is head gear that I am obsessed with. Everytime I am shopping I find myself looking at the hats, bows, or whatever else you can put on a beautiful girl without hair. Although, her hair is growing! I swear!

Sorry for all the pictures that are very similar, I couldn't decide which ones to post. They are all so cute!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Too fast...

Rowan has been doing new things way too quickly for me the last few weeks. The other morning, I walked into her room to get her up when I got home from work, and this is what I saw....
pulling herself up on the bumper...which means it is time to move her crib mattress down. So sad! She is getting so big, so fast!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cutie Patootie...

Just a few random pictures of Rowan from the last week...

This last picture was taken with my point and shoot camera, so not quite as quality, but her big blue eyes were priceless!

Dog treat anyone???

It's a good thing Gizmo doesn't mind sharing his treats, because Rowan managed to get her hands on one, maybe even gave it a taste! Disgusting, but I had to get a picture!

Getting into Trouble...

Over the last week, Rowan's moving has gotten a little bit faster, and she has found a few new things! For example, Gizmo's bed, cords, Xbox 360, shoes, etc, etc... Mostly things she shouldn't be touching, and the word NO, means nothing to her. Usually she finds it funny when I pick her up and say NO and move her away from whatever she isn't supposed to be touching!