Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rowan's Happenings...

A few new pictures of Rowan and her new accomplishments.

And another visit with Bully Breyson!

So first of all, we bought Rowan some Gerber puffs to try out. She can grab them in her palm, but not between her fingers, so she has issues getting them in her mouth, her fingers get in the way. But within the last few days, if we put one in her mouth, she naws on it and sometimes even chews. It is rather cute.
We have also found a new sippy cup that she is very interested in. Most of them you have to tip up and suck on to get something to come out, and she isn't quite talented enough to tip and suck at the same time, so we have to hold it for her. But we found one with a straw that doesn't need to be tipped, so she does much better with that. Minus the fact that she hasn't quite mastered the swallowing entirely, so the water tend to drool down her front!
We took a trip to Mukwonago today to visit Andrea and Breyson. The two of them played pretty nicely today. Breyson seemed to want/take every toy that Rowan would play with, but no biggie, sharing isn't in either of their vocabularies quite yet! But Rowan hung out in the exersaucer and Breyson showed off his skills by standing and playing outside of it. Of course when picture time came, Breyson couldn't keep his hands off her, or her bow!
G-Mom Sue made Rowan this adorable outfit for Valentine's day, it includes pants, a jacket, a bib, and a hat! (We are trying to come up with a name other than Grandma as Sue isn't a big fan of that title, anyone have any ideas?) We found G-Mom online, but she feels like she needs to wear her pants lower with that name!

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