Sunday, February 1, 2009

29 Weeks and 3 days...

Here are some new photos of Rowan, sporting a new bow and some new baby legs! Sort of a new onesie too, I have decided to retire the 3-6 month clothes officially. She could sneak by in some of them still, but when she has plenty of bigger sized clothes waiting to be worn, why keep wearing the same old things!

Not too much new with her these days. Still spits up a bunch, some days it seems better and then the next day it is just as bad again. So who knows. We are up to about half regular formula and half soy bottles. So maybe by the end of this week we will be on all regular formula. The only change I have really noticed in her so far is that her poop is looser, but not diarrhea like, so we are okay so far. She isn't fussier than normal, no rashes, no projectile vomitting, etc, etc.

No crawling yet, today it almost looked like she was moving forward somehow, but not really. She will definitely crawl before sitting up or rolling over. She has been sleeping better at night without the swaddling. We have subjected to the tummy sleeping, but she does full out pushups, so I think she is safe. Last night she just woke up at 530am, I gave her her pacifier (she couldn't find it because she had rolled onto her back) and she went back to sleep until almost 8am. Ed was late for work because he was counting on her as his alarm clock since she is normally up by 7am. But not today! And she took a 2 hour nap this morning!

As far as eating goes, she is doing pretty good. Refuses the green vegetables. So we will stick to the orange ones, sweet potatoes, squash, and she is okay with carrots, but doesn't love them. We have some mixed veggies to try, and turkey/chicken dinners to try soon too. And a few fruits left to try out, mangos and peaches! I had been giving her oatmeal, which she likes okay, but her spit up stunk really bad, so we are back to just rice cereal!

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