Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Army Crawl...

Rowan has started scooting across the floor. In general, it is the army crawl, but sometimes she gets up on all fours and tries to actually crawl, but usually collapses and army crawls instead. We have been putting something on the floor that isn't hers to coax her into moving, she hesitates, but it usually works (we are so bad!)! It is super cute. I got a video yesterday when she first started it, but am hoping for a better one before the weekend is over. We will see!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

33 Weeks Old...

and happy as ever...

Rowan's newest accomplishment this week has been rolling over. She now can roll from her back to her front as well as her front to back. When she is in the mood that is! Sometimes she will be too lazy and just whine when she is on her back and hope someone comes to save her! Eventually it works!

Miss Carebear tried on Rowan's bow too. Her Carebear is how I get her to smile/laugh for pictures when Ed isn't home! Whatever works.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Good Helper...

Rowan wanted to help me fold laundry the other day! She had more fun in the basket than anything! And of course, Gizmo wasn't too far away!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bottoms Up...

Saturday night we got together with some friends and family because Casey and Jake were home. We went over to the Swan residence and had some salad, lasagna, garlic bread, much wine and beer, some Wii, and some circle of death! Yikes!! Let's just say the night started out with Wii, eating, and a glass of wine, then came bedtime for the babies, and circle of death came out and next thing we knew there were many empty wine bottles. Not the best drink choice when playing a drinking game. Thank god I wasn't hung over the next day, one more glass and it would have been a different story. Let's just say, I haven't drank that much or laughed that hard in a really long time. It was lots of fun!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

32 Weeks Old...

This was officially Rowan's last time wearing the Puma outfit, one of my favorites! It was a bit snug today, therefore it needs to be retired! So sad! Perfect reason to take a few pictures.
The only thing new I have to report about her is, SCREAMING! When she ends up on her back usually, and before she starts whining because she is mad, she screams! And she thinks it is funny! Boy I hope that stops soon!

Girls in Bows...

Yesterday, Rowan and I, and the Wildauer family got together for lunch at The Woida household. Amy delivered Lily right before Christmas, and is enjoying her time at home, so we were in need of a little get together as Rowan had a gift for little Lily! When we get too many of us NICU women together, there tends to be too many children and not enough time to chat, so Amy has been having mini get togethers in order to catch up with everyone! From the left: Lily (~2mos.), Ella (3 1/2yrs), Rowan (7 1/2mos.), Jack (10mos.), Noah (2 1/2yrs.) Rowan and Ella

Jack and Rowan (it wasn't easy to keep Jack in one spot for a photo, a boy on the move!)

Rowan has recruited Lily into the Bow Club.

The Girls! (maybe next time Heidi!)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Lil Crunchers...

Today Rowan and I picked her up a new snack. Gerbers Lil Crunchers, they are essentially cheetos puffs, but a small version, and they aren't cheddar, they are veggie flavored, and of course made for babies. It took her a bit to get used to them as they are bigger than her usual puffs. She spends more time using the back or her hand to push them back in her mouth! Super Cute!

Gizmo and Rowan...

Rowan started out sitting in the middle of the room, and somehow ended up by Gizmo. She isn't crawling yet, but between moving backwards and doing 360's, she managed to get across the room, and onto Gizmo's bed.
We frequently find Gizmo on his bed looking out the window, and Rowan decided to join him today. She got herself in this position all by herself too!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Cutest Valentine Ever...

She's a Sitter...

In the last day or so, Rowan has become quite the expert at sitting up. Maybe expert isn't quite the word, but she can sit up for a long time now compared to what she used to do. She most definitely tips over still, but she has come a long way in the last month. Yipee!! It is a bit more fun, and a bit easier to take her photo when she can sit on her own!
If you can't read her bib, Yes, it says, "my mom is hotter than your mom", That is Right!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Preppy Girl...

Ed and I found this sweater on sale at Old Navy before Christmas (okay Ed actually picked it out), and thought it was super cute! Which it is! Had to wait for the Navy bow to complete the outfit! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Hockey Girl...

Rowan and I got to attend 2 hockey games in a row! It was a bit weird going to this one as it is warmer outside this weekend that I think it was in the rink! Oh well. Ed's team did win, but it was a non-eventful game in my mind. Papa Ed and G-mom Sue came for a little bit, so I was able to take a few pictures!

We Love #42!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Rowan's Happenings...

A few new pictures of Rowan and her new accomplishments.

And another visit with Bully Breyson!

So first of all, we bought Rowan some Gerber puffs to try out. She can grab them in her palm, but not between her fingers, so she has issues getting them in her mouth, her fingers get in the way. But within the last few days, if we put one in her mouth, she naws on it and sometimes even chews. It is rather cute.
We have also found a new sippy cup that she is very interested in. Most of them you have to tip up and suck on to get something to come out, and she isn't quite talented enough to tip and suck at the same time, so we have to hold it for her. But we found one with a straw that doesn't need to be tipped, so she does much better with that. Minus the fact that she hasn't quite mastered the swallowing entirely, so the water tend to drool down her front!
We took a trip to Mukwonago today to visit Andrea and Breyson. The two of them played pretty nicely today. Breyson seemed to want/take every toy that Rowan would play with, but no biggie, sharing isn't in either of their vocabularies quite yet! But Rowan hung out in the exersaucer and Breyson showed off his skills by standing and playing outside of it. Of course when picture time came, Breyson couldn't keep his hands off her, or her bow!
G-Mom Sue made Rowan this adorable outfit for Valentine's day, it includes pants, a jacket, a bib, and a hat! (We are trying to come up with a name other than Grandma as Sue isn't a big fan of that title, anyone have any ideas?) We found G-Mom online, but she feels like she needs to wear her pants lower with that name!

Sunday, February 1, 2009


Gizmo is finally well! We took him to the vet almost 2 weeks ago finally to have his scratching/scabbing by his eye looked at. Turns out he had yeast in his ear that was probably causing him to itch, which produced a scab that he kept scratching off constantly! So we treated his ear and eye and now the scab is gone and he is no longer scratching! Rowan really wears him out, he is tired all the time! Wait until she is getting around and chases him! She really loves him, tonight she was just staring and laughing at him while he was eating a treat! They are silly!

29 Weeks and 3 days...

Here are some new photos of Rowan, sporting a new bow and some new baby legs! Sort of a new onesie too, I have decided to retire the 3-6 month clothes officially. She could sneak by in some of them still, but when she has plenty of bigger sized clothes waiting to be worn, why keep wearing the same old things!

Not too much new with her these days. Still spits up a bunch, some days it seems better and then the next day it is just as bad again. So who knows. We are up to about half regular formula and half soy bottles. So maybe by the end of this week we will be on all regular formula. The only change I have really noticed in her so far is that her poop is looser, but not diarrhea like, so we are okay so far. She isn't fussier than normal, no rashes, no projectile vomitting, etc, etc.

No crawling yet, today it almost looked like she was moving forward somehow, but not really. She will definitely crawl before sitting up or rolling over. She has been sleeping better at night without the swaddling. We have subjected to the tummy sleeping, but she does full out pushups, so I think she is safe. Last night she just woke up at 530am, I gave her her pacifier (she couldn't find it because she had rolled onto her back) and she went back to sleep until almost 8am. Ed was late for work because he was counting on her as his alarm clock since she is normally up by 7am. But not today! And she took a 2 hour nap this morning!

As far as eating goes, she is doing pretty good. Refuses the green vegetables. So we will stick to the orange ones, sweet potatoes, squash, and she is okay with carrots, but doesn't love them. We have some mixed veggies to try, and turkey/chicken dinners to try soon too. And a few fruits left to try out, mangos and peaches! I had been giving her oatmeal, which she likes okay, but her spit up stunk really bad, so we are back to just rice cereal!