Friday, January 30, 2009

New fun...

Finally last week I spent the money I received for my birthday, and bought a 50 mm lense for our camera. I say our camera, but I am the one that uses it regularly. It is very fun! It doesn't have a zoom on it, but the aperature is way lower than on our other lense, and I can get closer up as well. Here are a few pictures that I have taken, of course of Rowan.
This is usually what Rowan looks like these days, spit up everywhere! Just happened to get an action photo, as you can see you don't get any warning when it is coming!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Bully Breyson comes to visit...

Okay, he really isn't a bully, but he just loves to grab Rowan's face and clothes and hand, you name it, he gets his hands on it. And Rowan just sits back and takes it, not once did she cry or anything! Obviously we don't let him hurt her, but she would actually laugh sometimes.

We met Andrea and Breyson for lunch today and then they came over to play and take some photos. It is nearly impossible to get pictures of them together because they don't sit still. Mostly Breyson, he is all over the place. I can't wait until Rowan can give him a run for his money. She will be able to run away from him at some point!
We thought this was a cute idea, but Breyson kept trying to escape, so we didn't get any good pictures in the buckets! Awwww.....

6 Month MD visit...

Rowan was back to the Pediatrician yesterday for her 6 month check up, and things went just fine.

Weight: 16# 6 oz. (60th percentile)
Height: 27 inches (90th percentile)

The only major things we discussed were regarding: spitting up, sleeping, and changing from soy to regular formula.

Rowan does tend to spit up a lot, more than we would like anyway. I was hoping it would get better when she started eating rice and baby food, but not so much, at least yet. If anything, it is worse because it is colored depending on what fruit/veg she ate that day. For example, we are eating carrots now, so it is all orange, so I am afraid things will stain, so far we are safe! Her spitting up doesn't appear to hurt her in any way, therefore we aren't going to try any medication, it is more a nuisance to us and the things around her that get showered in it frequently!

Sleeping: During the night has been nothing to really complain about, but we are still also swaddling her. But she does tend to sleep through the night. Napping is another story. She still cat naps, 30-40 minutes 3-4 times a day. We have had a few random days where she has napped 1 1/2-2 hours, but nothing consistent.

Back to the during the night. The doctor wasn't a fan of the swaddling idea still at 6 months, which neither have we been, but it has worked. So last night, we didn't swaddle, and man was it a rough one. She went to bed at 7pm like usual, and was up at 9:30pm, 10:40pm, 12:30am, 4:40am, 5:30am, 6:30am and finally we got up at 7am. My plan was to let her cry herself back to sleep, but Ed had to be up early for his internship and couldn't sleep through the crying, so he got up and gave her her pacifier more than I would have liked. So let's just say we didn't get much sleep. She did go back to sleep once you gave her her pacifier and put her back on her side. but that is still very interrupted sleep! On the up side, today she napped 2 times for 1 1/2-1 3/4 hours! And another 30 minutes while in the car!

Next week we are going to start the attempt to gradually switch her from soy to milk based formula. We wanted to do it over a few days when I am off, so we are waiting until monday. It will take a week or two until she is actually fully on regular formula, provided we get there, but it will be a very slow process so we can maybe determine if it is a milk protein allergy she has or a lactose allergy. I never tried lactose free formula in the beginning, just went right to soy. But my pediatrician says it isn't ideal to be on soy, so we are going to try the switch. Not to mention soy isn't the cheapest either! We will keep you posted next week as things move along.

Rowan is doing well with Rice cereal and fruits/veggies. She eats about 1/4 cup of rice cereal in the morning and evening, and a tablespoon or two of a fruit or vegetable. I have been doing one fruit/veg at a time for several days, until we determine we aren't allergic to any of the ones we want to feed her. So far so good. She has had applesauce, bananas, pears, sweet potatoes, squash, and is currently on carrots. I think green beans are next! Trying to get more veggies in the mix, the pediatrician says she might spit up more with fruits, not sure why, but we will see.

Otherwise, developmentally she is doing fine. Not behind or ahead on really anything. She should be doing is all by 9 months. (sitting up, crawling, rolling over, etc...) I guess we should consider ourselves lucky and take advantage of the last several weeks of her not moving far from where we put her. She can only move backwards when she gets up on all 4's and rocks. Hasn't figured out forward yet!

Still just has her 2 bottom teeth!

I think that is about all for now. If I think of something else, I will add it later.

Winter Classic...

I found these pictures on the camera when I was transferring them today, and completely forgot about them. Uncle Dusty went to the Winter Classic Detroit Red Wings vs Chicago Blackhawks game on New Year's Day in Chicago, and sent Ed a new Red Wings hat or two. Well, one we were supposed to give to Ed II, but Ed contemplated keeping both, but changed his mind. But Rowan tried Papa Ed's out for him first, and tasted her Daddy's too! Super Cute!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

28 Weeks Old...

Can you believe it, no bows!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rowan and Giz...


The Hoopdey...

So, in addition to January 10th being Rowan's 6 Month Birthday, we had the luxury of getting in our first car accident as a family!

We were out running some errands, and were on our way to Babies R Us and got rear-ended on Bluemound Road, of course we were in my truck! So now, Ed refers to it as "The Hoopdey". We are all fine of course, and it wasn't our fault, so now we just have to wait and talk to our insurance agent on Monday and get a quote and get "The Hoopdey" fixed, asap! Good thing the woman that hit us has insurance!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

6 Months Old...

Hard to believe....6 Months Old already...

It feels like just last week we were leaving the hospital to bring this little bundle of joy home with us. Now we don't know where the time has gone.

July 10, 2008

January 10, 2009

Rowan doesn't go to the doctor for her 6 month check-up until the 22nd of January, so we will have weight and height statistics then.

What is she doing now?
I have done a decent job updating on Rowan's progress, but here is a mini recap:

*She rolls from her front to back; but not from her back to front yet. She gets on her side and looks above her head, but just hasn't gotten all the way over yet.
*She isn't to the point of sitting up yet. She does fine between my legs, or with the boppy around her, but not without support.
*She gets up on all 4's frequently, and rocks too. Perhaps she is going to pass the sitting and rolling over, and go right to crawling! She can learn the rest later on.
*She eats rice and some fruit/veg for breakfast and dinner, and has 3-4 bottles throughout the day. Generally 7 oz. bottles.
*She is still currently on soy formula, we will cover that issue with the pediatrician this month, he had mentioned trying regular formula again at 6 months, we will see.
*She can be very talkative, even screams! No words yet though.
*Blows bubbles
*Spits up a bunch! Thought, or maybe hoped, it would get better when we started solids, not so much!
*Generally sleeps through the night, about 7pm until anywhere between 5 and 8 am. But tends to wake up several times for her pacifier during the night. She hasn't been able to find it and replace it herself, perhaps because she is swaddled still! She can put the pacifier in on her own during the day though while awake!
*She is just like her dad, a busy body! Always doing something. Only sits still when it is time for bed or a nap!
*She has started jumping in the jumperoo in the last week or two. Trying to get it on video, unsuccessful so far!
*She giggles up a storm now too, mostly at Gizmo (her best buddy, she could stare at him all day long!)
*Rowan's one downfall: she needs to learn how to nap. She still cat naps, 30-40 minutes several times a day, and generally fights it everytime! Therefore there is no schedule during the day. So we are working on that!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Rowan and Rice Cereal...

Well, we started the Rice cereal eating on Christmas Day. Rowan wasn't very interested, I even tried adding some bananas into the mix to see if she would like it better, but not so much. So we tried again the next day, and she did much better. So after a few days of rice cereal, I started to add in the good stuff. We started with applesauce for a few days, then moved on to sweet potatoes for a few days, then squash. So far she has liked them all, I think she liked the sweet potatoes the best. Then we tried some spring vegetable mix, disgusting. I couldn't even stand the smell of it, and I swear she gagged on it, so we threw that away after a few bites. Then we went back to applesauce for a few days. Now today we tried Peas, yuck! I could barely stand the smell, and yes I am biased because I don't like peas, but she was very fussy while eating and once I got the applesauce out, she was a whole new eater. So I am thinking we will pass on Peas for a little while too. We will see, might give them one more try tomorrow before moving on.

Rowan is a very good helper too as you can see. I spend more time pulling her hands out of her mouth, or her bib out of her mouth than anything, but she is learning, I guess that is point of this boring rice cereal!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

25 Weeks Old...

This is going to be my last weekly update! After her 6 month update which will be January 10th, I will be going to monthly updates. Well, I am sure there will be more than monthly updates and photos, but weekly has gotten to be too much for me. I don't have the time to be on top of things anymore. Maybe I will do every other week, we will see how things go!

We seem to have our happy baby back finally. It was a rough week before Christmas with the ear infection and 2 teeth and colds for all of us. Then from the Amoxicillin, she had a sore butt too. A never ending fussy week it was. But finally it is over.