Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We are alive...(22 4/7 weeks)

Guess I didn't realize how long it has been since I have updated you all. Well we will back up to the weekend a few days ago. Nothing overly exciting since we both worked, so standard around here. But we did acquire a few "new to us" items. Or hand me downs you could call them too. Ed and Sue took a trip to MI to visit Blayne, Molly and Kieran and brought us back the couch we have been awaiting and the Smith cradle/bassinet for the newest addition coming soon. I guess Kieran has outgrown it!

We now have a matching set of furniture in our family room. We have had the smaller couch for several months when we made a trade between the Smith brothers with chairs and recliners and we just got half the deal as Blayne and Molly were awaiting selling their house. Then it ended up in storage while they looked for a new home, which they found, and looks beautiful, so now we got the final piece to complete our family room. It was rather sad seeing our aztec couch sitting in the driveway on garbage day, but it was bittersweet!
Keep the furniture hand me downs coming family, we like to rotate furniture since we can't afford to buy ourselves new stuff!

Then the cradle/bassinet (I am not sure what the correct term for it is) is something that all 3 Smith boys used, then Kieran and now it is our turn. Underneath the mattress there is an embroidered piece of fabric that Sue updates when new babies use it. So that was fun to add to the collection of things for the baby that aren't being used. Oh well. Just have to wait for the mattress pad and sheets we registered for!
A Gizmo Update....

I had to get Gizmo in to the vet on Saturday morning last minute as he went to bed whining and wimpering on friday night. Turns out his left ear was bothering him and whenever he would scratch it he would wimper. When we looked inside it, it was fire red and scabby and sort of bloody. Of course we didn't have any ear cleaning solution as I have learned to leave that up to the groomer every month and haven't had any issues. So we just wiped it with a moist cotton ball and gave him some benadryl and to bed we all went. He seemed better in the morning, but we were still concerned. So I called the vet and they said we should probably bring him in to make sure it wasn't something more than irritated.

Turns out he had an abundance of yeast in his left ear only probably due to water sitting in it from grooming or sticking his head in a snowbank? Apparently all dogs have a small amount of yeast in their ears, just not this much to cause irritation. So we got some ear cleaner and a medication to use for 7-10 days, in addition to stocking up on fish oil for his allergies, and frontline refills, needless to say when all was said and done it wasn't a cheap trip. Dogs are expensive just to maintain, and I consider him a healthy dog, imagine if he wasn't? Yikes. Anyways, he is doing much better, minus his ear hair being super greasy because we have to put this ointment in 2x/day, and he hates having his ears touched anytime. So it is quite a challenge when Ed isn't here to help me. No wonder he loves his dad more lately, he doesn't take part in the mean things!
And last but surely not least, the baby update...

Had my monthly appointment this afternoon. Was a standard weight, blood pressure, heart beat, questions/concerns 10 minute appointment after you wait for 40 minutes just to see the MD. Oh and now we are far enough that they measure my fundal height (from pubic bone to top of uterus, should measure close to our weekly gestation) So anyway, was scary to step on the scale (to put it nicely they said the baby and I have had a growth spurt in the last 2 months!)Take that however you would like. Blood pressure is wonderful! Heartbeat was in the 140's again, and the baby was very active, according to the MD. Go back again in 4 weeks (26 weeks), will be a longer appointment as I have the O'Sullivan test (glucose tolerance test) cross my fingers for no gestational diabetes, I think I will die if I have to watch what I eat! I have been suffering from a bit of reflux occassionally when I sleep at night, so far tolerable if I just elevate my head more and eat Tums, hopefully I won't need to medicate for that in the future, we'll see. Was glad to hear that it is common in pregnancy.

I think that is all for now! Makes for a lengthy post when you don't update for over a week, sorry!

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