Sunday, March 2, 2008

A Heat Wave...(21 1/7 weeks)

We had a heat wave of a weekend, for WI lately. The temperature today was in the mid-40's. That is almost shorts weather. Too bad it is supposed to rain, then sleet and then 1-2 inches of snow tomorrow, so winter is far from over. Oh well. That is what we get for living in WI.

Otherwise we had another eventful weekend. Ed worked all weekend, and was actually there most of his scheduled hours. It sounds like they were actually a bit busy with this heat wave. During the day Saturday I helped throw a baby shower for my cousin Andrea. It was a surprise, and she was very surprised. She thought the shower was on March 22, and on Saturday she was under the impression she was going to Aunt Kathy's to help pick out a paint color on her way shopping with her mom. To her surprise she wouldn't be shopping at all, and their errands stopped in Aunt Kathy's basement for a baby shower. Of course she cried, who wouldn't have, especially with hormones raging. But the shower was a hit, she enjoyed it, we had a great turn out, everyone was there before Andrea, and she got lots of wonderful gifts and we ate lots of wonderful food. It is hard to believe it is over, it feels like we were just planning it last week.

Andrea arrives, and cries!

Us ladies!

Here is Andrea getting a little emotional over another gift, she was so cute.

Then we had bowling Saturday night. Ed bowled very well as usual lately, and I did just okay. Remember Ed bowls 6 times a month and I only bowl 1-2 times a month. So he should be better than me by now, right?

Sunday, I went to breakfast with Aunt Karen, Hartbrook Cafe, was delicious. Then when Ed got home from work we got to put in a new kitchen faucet. For the last week we have had issues with a leaky faucet. We tried the cheap fix for 13$ by replacing a smaller part, but that didn't do the job, so the 200$ fix worked of course, a new faucet. Surprisingly Ed and I worked very well together and we got it done rather quickly. It looks rather nice. Who would have thought we would have needed a new faucet within 4 years. We put a new one in when we moved in the house, but I guess that was a faucet about half the price as this one, you get what you pay for I guess.
So anyway, back to work for me tomorrow and back to school for Ed. He is on Spring Break in 2 weeks, so he is looking forward to that. Otherwise, we hit 21 weeks on Saturday! All is well with mom and baby, belly keeps growing, scale numbers keep getting higher for me, and lower for Ed. Our elliptical is the best investment we have made in a long time!!

The latest belly picture. Sorry Ed isn't the best photographer, especially when we are in a hurry.

1 comment:

WI Smith family said...

I bet your belly is still smaller than Ed's! :) You look great and the faucet looks nice without a 2 liter bottle of ginger ale on it!