Monday, February 11, 2008

The Ultrasound...(18 2/7 weeks)

And the verdict is in.....It's A....just kidding, sorry to get anyone's hopes up. We had our ultrasound today where we could have found out the sex of our baby, but we chose not to find out! We didn't even change our minds at the last minute. The appointment went well, my blood pressure is good. Like Molly said, I am leaving out my weight gain already, we will leave it at I am gaining weight, so far within normal limits overall. The ultrasound was lots of fun. Finally we have proof that there really is something inside growing. The baby was difficult at first and was positioned in a ball and not willing to move much for the ultrasound tech. So she had me drink some juice to see if we could get the baby to stretch out a bit, and it worked. The ultrasound tech got to see all she wanted to see, and we got a few profile pictures of the little person. All measurements are consistent with my gestation, so the due date hasn't changed. The heartrate was 138 during the ultrasound. We saw 2 arms and 2 legs, and at least 5 toes on one foot. So that is our fun news for today. Here is a picture of one of the ultrasound pictures, isn't the best visual but we don't have a scanner.
On another note, last night we ventured through our Deceptively Delicious cookbook and made Sloppy Joe's. They are by far the best thing we have made out of the cookbook yet. This recipe had red pepper puree and sweet potato puree in it. Ed doesn't like sweet potatoes and he didn't even taste them. So it really does work. So now in the freezer we have cauliflower, sweet potato and carrot puree ready to use.


Cora said...

Herm looks just great! I think that I may be leaning more towards boy...that HR is kind of on the lowish side. And, you have really only gained belly weight.

Amelia thinks that your dog is adorable!

WI Smith family said...

Papa Ed says not to worry it's a boy!

Lisa said...

I definitely think you are going to have a little Eddie on your hands. :)