Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A busy Wednesday...

Today turned out to be a busy day for most of us. Doesn't help when you don't get out of bed until 10:30am, well at least Gizmo and I. As tired as I am, I haven't been able to sleep when I should be. When I am working, I can't sleep long enough, and when I am off, I can't fall asleep, but at 7pm I could fall asleep anywhere, not at 11pm when I should be asleep though. So I ended up on the computer until 1am so that my husband could sleep while I was tossing and turning. So therefore I don't feel guilty sleeping until 10:30, only a few more months of being able to do it anyway, better take advantage.

So anyway, after I rolled out of bed I finally made some much needed appointments, haircut, eyebrow wax, grooming for Gizmo, H & R block for taxes, etc, etc.... Then jumped in the shower and headed out to run some errands.

Stop number one was at the jeweler to pick up my bling, I mean wedding ring. I finally got my much awaited anniversary band from our 1 year annivesary/Christmas/Birthday present. We were waiting for a sale, but then another week and a half to have it sized and sautered? (I have no idea how to spell that) So I picked it up today, it is very bling, I love it! Ed was glad to hear me say there is no other jewelry or diamonds that I want, I am sure that will change though!

My next stop was Destination Maternity in search of some maternity jeans. It appears as though tall women shouldn't have babies, because it sure is difficult to find pants in tall or long. Especially inexpensive ones. But I was able to find a pair of jeans today, they do have the dreaded full panel of elastic, but they are rather cute as long as you don't show off the panel. I was actually very impressed with this store, the only other maternity store I had been in was at the Johnson Creek Outlet, and I felt like they had a lot of old lady looking stuff. But this store had some very cute and trendy things. Some of it was even reasonably priced. So when it gets a little warmer and my clothes no longer accomodate my expanding waist line, I might need to take a little shopping spree back at Destination Maternity. They even offered me water and juice like 3 times while I was there. It was rather fun! I also purchased a "tummy tube" which I will use in the interim to hold up my unbuttoned non-maternity jeans. It was a cheaper option than purchasing multiple pair of jeans. My last stop was the dreaded grocery store. Ed was craving meatloaf yesterday (apparently husbands have cravings while their wives are pregnant too) and we didn't have the makings for meatloaf, nor did I want to head out in the blizzard to get them. So today I searched the web for a recipe and purchased the necessary items. Whenever there is something cooking in the kitchen Ed can't stay away, so he decided to help me. He likes it when we cook together too, so we made mashed potatoes and meatloaf, it was delicious if I do say so myself. A little update on our previously purchased cookbook too: we made cauliflower puree which we used in a chicken salad recipe that turned out divine. Ed also tried to make tuna salad, but he claims it was too fishy so he disposed of it before I even got to try it. And the other thing Ed made was a healthy version of rice krispies (no purees in these, just flaxseed meal and brown crisp rice) they were pretty tasty for a healthy dessert.

Then tonight, Sue and Tallulah (I think I spell her name different every time, not sure what the correct spelling is, sorry Sue!) came over for a play date. They have so much fun together, and they wear each other out. Turns out Tallulah has grown quite a bit, Sue estimates she is just over 20 pounds, her paws are comparable in size to Gizmo's, uh oh... so much for Sue's lap dog! She is still cute though! I had a little photo shoot with Gizmo tonight too. This is exactly what he looks like after playing with another dog, especially one younger than him. Can you believe Gizmo will be 3 in March! Yikes!! Hope you all enjoy!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Baby's Second Photoshoot...

Since I finally look like I might have something growing inside of me, I have decided to share the extra pounds with everyone. Some day when I actually do something with my hair and clothing I will share my face in the photo too, but the point of the pictures are to see the growing belly, not my bad hair day. I might be a few months over due on a haircut. I am currently 16 3/7 weeks along, according to my scale, have gained about 8 pounds. We will see what the doctors scale says in 2 weeks. I have been feeling pretty darn good too, other than being tired always. I might as well get used to that now anyway.

Also, here are a few pictures of the finished closet in the babies room. Although it is looking rather desolate, I am sure that won't last too long. Next step is to furnish the room. That will be fun!

It is hard to believe that a child of mine doesn't have a closet full of clothes like me, plenty of time to fill that up!

Friday, January 25, 2008

This week in review...

I realize it has been quite a few days since I have updated you all on the events in our lives, truth be told, we don't have anything very exciting to share.

Ed started school again for the semester on Tuesday, so you know how excited he is about the whole idea. We finally purchased the new cookbook we have been looking to buy. We were referred to the cookbook by Blayne and Molly, and Ed gets on these kicks where he wants to eat healthy and lose weight and what not. So I finally purchased the book. The author is Jessica Seinfeld and the title is Deceptively Delicious. The whole idea is to get your kids to eat healthier by putting vegetable and fruit purees in meals and having them not even realize. For Molly, she has been using the purees as Kieran's baby food, so that is our long term plan as well. But we thought we would start with ourselves. We are not good at eating our vegetables so we figured it can't hurt.
My accomplishment for today was to clean out the closet in the soon to be nursery. I have been wanting to do it for about a month now, but keep putting it off. Well I finally broke down and did it. I took a before picture but am waiting on the after picture as we have some work to do on the shelving and what not still. So stay tuned for the final organized closet for baby. And like I knew would happen, starting in one closet lead to another closet and another and so on, therefore the project was a bit larger than I was planning. But it is done. So now we need to touch up some paint, finish the shelving in the closet and then eventually purchase some furniture for the room. We are undecided in that area right now.

So as you can see, our week has been rather uneventful. For those of you keeping track, our little Herm will be 16 weeks tomorrow! And I have been feeling pretty good since last Thursday. I think that was a flu like day, not morning sickness, but who knows, I can't tell the difference.

On a last note, I am so sick of snow and freezing cold weather! Will it ever end?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

14 week update...

Had our monthly doctor appointment today at 2:45pm. All went well, I have gained a whole 2 pounds, my blood pressure is good. The babies heartbeat was good at 144, the doctor found it right away this time. Last appointment it took her a couple minutes which made me a little nervous, but I guess the baby is geting bigger so it is easier to find! Of course I was feeling like crap today, headache and nauseous, only because the last week has been really good and I made the mistake of saying it out loud. Apparently now is the time for headaches to be the worst, which doesn't excite me since in the past I have needed migraine medicine to get rid of a headache, and that is off limits now. So they last a lot longer than I would like. Also, at our appointment, the doctor was delivering a baby when we got there so we had to wait at least 45 minutes before we saw her, and we were in the room with her a whole 10 minutes maybe! What a waste of time, but all is well so I guess we can't complain. Ed isn't the most patient person though, so he was dancing in his seat. But it is all over and done. Next appointment is February 11, will be 18 weeks then and will have an ultrasound. Still not planning on finding out the sex of the baby!! But excited to see the little person inside.

I think that is all for now. Ed is attending the Packer game this weekend again with Dusty, hope they don't freeze to death!! He is super excited!!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Awesome Time in the Frozen Tundra...

Talk about an experience like no other....we never thought that Lambeau Field and the Packers were going to be all it was cracked up to be! We arrived in Green Bay about 10:30am on Saturday, parked in the KMart parking lot right next to Lambeau Field (very close) for 20$ (much cheaper than we were expecting). And the tailgating began. The weather was in the low 30's and maybe flurrying, but no accumulation at the time. The men fired up the propane turkey fryer to heat up our chili, and the small grill for our bean dip and water for hot chocolate.

Kieran was all bundled up to experience his first tailgate at Lambeau Field as well. Poor kid was like a giant marshmellow and couldn't move. He did score a nice hat that his mom and dad got roped into buying (good donation I guess).

The chili that Ed made (a new recipe he found online by Bobby Flay) was a butt burner. Molly just had to put some on her tongue and her mouth was on fire, and the guys were lucky to eat an entire bowl. It was hot! (3 jalapenos, chipotle pepper puree, cayenne, chili powder, enough said!!) Definitely warmed us up though. We also had some great bean dip courtesy of Blayne and Molly, and pulled pork sandwiches courtesy of Dusty. We ate well, let's put it that way.

We were lucky to have that propane turkey fryer, because after it warmed up the chili, we used it as a heating source and all huddled around to keep warm. At one point I accidentally put my gloves to close and torched them, good thing I had extras.

Molly and Kieran and I warmed up in the car a bit to eat and heat the feet up. Then it was time to head into the game. Molly and Kieran headed to Appleton to meet some friends, and the boys and I went on to experience the game of a lifetime.

It was everything Ed and I were hoping for in our first Packer game experience. Dusty even said it may have been the best live sporting event ever! After standing in too long of a line to get in, we got free towels to wave during the game, and found our seats just as the National Anthem was being sung.
As you look at our pictures you can see how the snowy weather progressed. Had we not been nice and warm the snow would have been a downer, but it was awesome! I never thought I would be saying that I enjoyed the snow, but it made Lambeau Field truly a Packer experience. Of course we were doubting the Packers after the first few minutes with 2 turnovers, but in the end it was an awesome win for the Packers. Turns out shortly after halftime they ran out of beer in the stadium, so there were many unhappy fans, didn't run out of hot chocolate and soft pretzels for the pregnant fans though!!

After the win, we were going to hang out by the car and the guys were going to have a few beers and wait for some people to leave, but it wasn't packed so we just headed back to our hotel. Turns out after the 4-6 inches of accumulation the roads were horrible, so it took us a bit longer than 10 minutes to go 6 miles to our hotel, but we all made it safe and sound.

We met Molly and Kieran (who had a much worse 1.5 hour drive back from Appleton that was only 30 minutes on the way there) and ate some dinner at the Ground Round (it was attached to the hotel) and we all retired early after a long day of fresh air.

Thank you so much to Ed and Sue for the experience of a lifetime!! We would go back in a heartbeat!!

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Megan's Bday and 13 weeks...

Well, yesterday was my 26th Birthday! Whooo hooo!! I got to sleep in super late and catch up on sleep from the day before. Then Ed and I went shopping for a couple hours and to Fuddruckers for lunch. Turns out Ed asked off of work a long time ago for my birthday but he didn't remember doing it, so he got all bundled up and headed to work to turn around and come home.

Our shopping trip was rather dissappointing. I was going to look for some maternity jeans, not that I need them yet, but Boston Store didn't have a maternity section at Brookfield Square, so strike one, then I wanted to hit the sale racks at Baby Gap, and turns out they have closed since I was last at the mall, so strike two. There really wasn't a strike three, but it wasn't very successful.

Then we came home and I took a cat nap and then we headed out to dinner with Ed and Sue. They invited us to Kurt's Steak and Seafood. I got to have a fish fry, it was wonderful. Then we came home played a few hands of Crazy 8's and headed to bed early as Ed had to work today early, and I was tired and suffering from a headache.

Today, I slept in again, then got up and cleaned the house. How exciting. But today I am 13 weeks, I guess that means I am moving into the 2nd Trimester, hard to believe. I am not showing yet, other than after eating, and haven't gained any weight, so it still isn't really real, other than the painted baby's room and crib bedding, and a few outfits. Before I know it though I will be needing those maternity jeans. Next baby appointment is January 16th, so stay posted for an update.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

We had a very nice, low key New Year's Eve last night. Ed and I spent the day running some errands and picking up around the house, took a nap, and then headed out for dinner. We went to the Melting Pot for the first time together and enjoyed some fondue. Was a pricey experience, but the food and company was good. After dinner we came home and relaxed and played some cards. Ed and Sue stopped over for a little bit with Talulah, so Gizmo had some company. Then Ed and I watched a movie (Failure to Launch) and headed to bed. Now it is 2008, and within 7 months we will be adding to our little family, can't even believe it.