Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Week 2007...

Well, where do I start? I think we will begin with Saturday December 22, the first Christmas celebration of the week. It all began at our house celebrating Christmas with the Knutson family (Dad, Julie, Amanda and Mitchell, and us of course) We got together about 2pm, had some appetizers, then gifts of course and then a nice ham dinner. Then we all had to head to bowling. I think we all got what was on our list, Mitchell got the one Xbox 360 game he has been waiting and waiting for, and he didn't even have to wait until the 25th. Oh, Amanda and Mitchell also found out that they are going to be an Aunt and Uncle! YIPEE!!! It is so nice to actually talk about it now, I can write all about it in the blog now, watch out everyone. Might get a little old, too bad though! So after a decent night of bowling we came home early because we had a Sunday full of family and gifts too. The morning of the 23rd we headed over to Ed and Sue's house to celebrate with the immediate Smith Family. Didn't take long for Molly to hear the news she had been waiting for, she can now be the Aunt spoiling her niece/nephew. It sure was/is fun spoiling Kieran, but now we will have one of our own to think about too! So we spent the day opening gifts, couldn't wait too long for that, watching the Packer game (the one they lost to the Bears :( ) and feasting on some prime rib and other yummy fattening things. The weather on Sunday was rather crappy, windy, snowy and cold, so Blayne and Molly ended up spending an extra night so we all hung out and played games and what not. Then Monday brough Xmas Eve, which was rather uneventful, I had to work so i napped in the afternoon, and Ed went to my aunt and uncles house for a few hours and then to Ed and Sue's for some dinner and quality time.

Tuesday morning when I got home from work we headed to Lyndon Station to spend the night and celebrated Christmas with the Blodgett's and my Mom and Bill. I attempted to sleep a bit when we got there having had worked all night, then we had some appetizers, gifts and then dinner. I was really tired after all the food and what not so I napped again, the rest watched a movie and to bed early it was for most of us. Wednesday morning we had breakfast and the rest of the Blodgett family headed home, and we had Christmas with Mom and Bill, got many nice things, had some lunch and then headed home. Ed had bowling and I ended up working because they were short handed and worked out a deal to give me off Friday night.

So Thursday I slept as I had to work again, Ed relaxed, did a bit of pick up around the house and what not, and back to work I went. Friday Ed and I both worked a few hours, but I didn't have to work all night. So Saturday morning it was off to Illinois!

Saturday December 29th we headed to Moline IL to see the entire Smith family and share the good news! We have created the 12th Great Grandchild for Ed and Jan!! How exciting, and possibly Ed Smith IV, won't find out until July though??? So we spend the afternoon with all the family, had sloppy joe's, lots of appetizers and cookies, then pizza for dinner, Kieran went swimming for the first time with Blayne, all the Smith babies from 2007 were together for the first time, in matching attire. Molly's mom made the cutest onesies for all of them and Molly got them all matching pants, they were adorable, I am waiting for mine, for the baby of course!! Then some of the guys went gambling on the boats, most of us headed home for some much needed rest, I did at least. Sunday morning it was back on the road to Cedar Rapids for the final Christmas of 2007. After Ed loaded up some much appreciated tools and toys from Papa Ed we were back on the highway in a nice little SUV caravan to visit the Farleys for Christmas. Grandma Carol came home to her house for some lunch and family time. We again feasted on some unneeded extra calories to finish out 2007, opened gifts, and visited with everyone. Carol and Dick are happy to have the family grow with another baby, as long as it wasn't another dog Carol stated!! When late afternoon rolled around and the Packers won, we were back on the road home. Was a good thing we left when we did because mother nature is blessing us with some new snow as we speak, hopefully not too much! So in a nut shell, our Christmas was wonderful! We tried to see as much family and friends as humanly possible when you have as many as we do. We received everything on our Xmas list and hope we fulfilled many others wishes too. We are blessed to have a baby on the way and hope everyone else is as excited as we are. Normally I would have spent more time on each Christmas description, but I got a bit behind this past week. Sorry this post is neverending.

Happy New Year to all! Check back soon for baby updates!!

There are many more pictures in the Picture Album, too many to post!


Blayne & Molly said...

Congratulations!! We can't wait for Baby Smith! And for Kieran to have a cousin...YAH!

WI Smith family said...

We are so happy to be having TWO grandkids that will be able to play and have fun at holidays! Congrats to both of you!