Sunday, November 27, 2022

Thanksgiving weekend recap

Why wouldn't we spend a weekend of no hockey games in the rink??

A few families got together and bought some ice time (because it was cheap since most people don't want to skate on a Holiday) and we had a parents vs kids matchup. I helped supervise from the penalty box. 
After the ice, we headed home to shower and then joined the family at Grandma and Grandpa Ks house for a lovely evening meal. Kids decorated some gingerbread men too. 
Day after thanksgiving, Granny, Amanda and I made it to the green sale at Harvest home. Kids did some crafts. Row ha da game over the weekend, and of course we hit up some open skate too (with Eddie returning from his injury, his skates were too small, so he had some new skates he was dying to break in)

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