Saturday, October 1, 2022

Almost October

Weather sure has changed in the last week or so. Eddie and I got to golf last Saturday with Grandma and Grandpa. Started out chilly but then the sun came out a bit to warm us up. We did get in all 18 holes, and didn't do too shabby. 

Sunday was another day of games at Pettit - another IL team. Sadly a Loss and tie. Great games!

Piper had a rough week - she is grounded for pooping in the basement Wednesday night. She hasn't had an accident in a year I bet. Better be a one off, or she will be finding a crate again. 

Then last night, I was able to get together with Crystal and Desi for dinner at I.D. 
Great to catch up and support these ladies - it's been an emotional month or so for many. 

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