Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Mexico 2022

Hard to recap a great trip in a few pictures. 

Resort was great, company was better. We had some family time, and also some friend time. The Sorkness family and Stanek family overlapped our trip a few days at the same resort. We also spent a day on an excursion with the Pudlosky family who was staying near and also overlapped a few days of our trip. 

There was one day where both kids were sick. They managed to both throw up on the same day and spent the day in the room. Thankfully it was barely 24 hours and they were back at it before their friends arrived. 
Our excursion day out and about!
Some hotel pics - it was a large campus with lots to see. It took me days to remember how to get places sadly. I even managed to get to the exercise facility 4-5 days.

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