Saturday, October 30, 2021

Freaky fast month

Hard to believe we are already in the last few weeks of October and November is right around the corner. 

Rowan went to Fright Fest with the 8th graders, sadly the weather was cold and rainy but she still managed to get in many rollercoasters and made it home safe. 

Piper sporting her Halloween pj's with our Fall spread. (and sleeping on the job again)

Rowan's first games - she rocked it. 

Eddie was at it again - hanging with crew on and off the ice. They were at Bob Super arena!

We managed to make it a little late to Amanda and Peter's annual Trick or Treat. Complete with pizza, beers and a bonfire. Blake and Luke were well on their way by the time we joined. It was chilly but there was candy success. 

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