Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Well...we were supposed to be heading to see Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill and celebrate Christmas on 12/26 am...but Ed woke up and couldn't taste anything! Therefore, we cancelled that trip. So, he went and got a COVID test - which of course came back positive. 

The next day...I started with cold like symptoms, so Monday, I went and got a COVID test, and tested positive. I also took the kids to get tested...Eddie tested positive and Rowan negative. 

(Ed did self quarantine to the basement from Saturday until I test positive...at that point there was no reason for him to stay down there. The kids can't fend for themselves.)
So this is what our next several days looked like. Had to cancel Piper's grooming appointment because we all had to quarantine for 10 days. We ordered groceries on Amazon fresh, skated, leaned out to use our new Sparx machine (skate sharpener). Shoveled some snow...and repeat. I could still work, and Ed was off through New Years anyway. Kids missed some practices for hockey...but we had some quality time at home. 

In the end, Eddie started out asymptomatic - had one day of diarrhea and that was it. I had cold symptoms for 4-5 days, lost my taste and smell for almost 2 weeks. Ed really just lost his taste and smell (had some super mild cold symptoms before Christmas that we wrote off - oops). He had his back in about a week. He lost some weight because he only ate lettuce and chicken since he couldn't taste anything...I wasn't that good. 

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