Thursday, December 31, 2020

New Years Eve

This is what our New Years Eve looked like this year...home, alone, as a family recovering from COVID. Playing quite a fitting game we got for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Well...we were supposed to be heading to see Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill and celebrate Christmas on 12/26 am...but Ed woke up and couldn't taste anything! Therefore, we cancelled that trip. So, he went and got a COVID test - which of course came back positive. 

The next day...I started with cold like symptoms, so Monday, I went and got a COVID test, and tested positive. I also took the kids to get tested...Eddie tested positive and Rowan negative. 

(Ed did self quarantine to the basement from Saturday until I test that point there was no reason for him to stay down there. The kids can't fend for themselves.)
So this is what our next several days looked like. Had to cancel Piper's grooming appointment because we all had to quarantine for 10 days. We ordered groceries on Amazon fresh, skated, leaned out to use our new Sparx machine (skate sharpener). Shoveled some snow...and repeat. I could still work, and Ed was off through New Years anyway. Kids missed some practices for hockey...but we had some quality time at home. 

In the end, Eddie started out asymptomatic - had one day of diarrhea and that was it. I had cold symptoms for 4-5 days, lost my taste and smell for almost 2 weeks. Ed really just lost his taste and smell (had some super mild cold symptoms before Christmas that we wrote off - oops). He had his back in about a week. He lost some weight because he only ate lettuce and chicken since he couldn't taste anything...I wasn't that good. 

Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas Day

Christmas definitely looked different this season, smaller gatherings with a chance of COVID. 

In the end, we again have been overly blessed and spoiled by many. Thankful for what we have built together and the family we can spend time with. 

Got the rink zambonied and saw family from afar via zoom. 

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Christmas Eve 2020

We celebrated Christmas at Grandpa and Grandma Knutson's this afternoon/evening! I had to work, so we joined the fun immediately after. Was a bit crazier with 2 pups this year. But they wore themselves out. We finally celebrated Luke's Birthday too - always ready for some cake!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

7th graders

This is 7th grade girls! 

Rowan had her closest friends over tonight to do their Christmas gift exchange. 
They also did a Christmas scavenger hunt in our neighborhood - and also one at Target. 
Hot cocoa bar, kids wine, pizza, and lots of laughs.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

a week in December

Well, the rink is up and frozen! So, in between being inside on the ice, the kids try to find time to skate out in the elements too. 

Piper and I keep trying to get some walks in before the cold gets unbearable. Rowan is trying a new way to get waves in her hair, pigtails with lots of hair things. Piper got some new jammies! Oh, and top right is the COVID way of shaking hands after a hockey game...tap sticks and wave.
There have been many virtual Rocket League nights, and the MI Smiths have joined in too! Sadly we have only seen Callan virtually so far thanks to COVID. Piper got to go to another game this weekend, Gabby took care of her this game and didn't complain. Rowan got together with Lola and Ella and they had some girl fun. 

Then it was Gingerbread house competition time. Eddie was A, Rowan was B. Ed and I just assisted as requested. Eddie pulled away with an easy win this year. Although there was much love for the rainbow roof. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

you have a dog at a hockey game

We really did try not to leave Piper in crate with cone, so she got to come to a couple hockey games! Carried her in in a bag, kept her warm with a blanket, and by about halfway through, she stopped shaking. The loud noises weren't her favorite at first, but she settled in. 

We got some snow this week, so she got to test that out with Rowan and Eddie. 

This week, Rowan became part of the alphabet line (QRS). 
Quinn, Rowan and Sydney, they are buds!
Christmas card pictures are ready to go!!

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Piper's big day

Piper got spayed today...the first two pictures are clearly before. She was excited and ready to go...then there is the after! She did really well - was hard to keep her from jumping up on the couch, and off, but for the most part the meds for the first kept her low key. We literally only put the cone on for a photo, but our goal is to not have to have her wear it. We borrowed a 'surgical' shirt from a neighbor (bottom right pic) - that unsnaps for bathroom breaks, but covers the area so she can't get it at it. But as long as she is supervised - she doesn't need either. 

Sunday, December 6, 2020

weekend in December

Game time for the Lake Country Warhawks!!

Forecast is looking good for freezing some water in the near future, so got the rink set up before it's too cold out. 

We had a situation with Piper. We put her in the 'travel' crate when we went out for dinner tonight, and when we got home, she was wandering around the house. She ripped her way out of the crate. That is how much she loves going in the crate! Guess this crate is a goner, and now she is stuck in the metal crate. She looks really sad for what she did. 

St. Nick came and the kids got a few things - Not as exciting in years past I guess. Candy and gift cards for the win.