Saturday, October 3, 2020

Nashville Tourney

Took advantage of Eddie's hockey tournament in TN and made a short family trip of it. We left Wednesday night after practice and headed to KY. We spent the night in Louisville, and then headed to Nashville first thing in the morning. 

We spent several hours touring Nashville, shops, rinks, parks, bars, etc. Then had lunch at a rooftop bar...a bit more walking. Then headed back to the hotel. Had to walk off our meals, ice cream, etc. 

Friday the hockey started...through the weekend. Didn't end the weekend in 1st place, but played some great hockey. Ended up with a 1-2-1 record. 
The highlight of the trip, line dancing. Made the kids get out on the dance floor and learn a line dance. They were troopers, masks and all. 

Was nice to break up the trip down, but the trip home was quite long. But we all survived. 

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