Thursday, August 6, 2020

Piper progress

Well, we are trying to get her to like her crate more. This is a nap in the crate during the day. At night, she hasn't done horrible, but we did have one night where she was whining and barking a lot. But for the most part she wakes up once a night, and we take her out, or lay by her crate and she goes back to sleep. 

She pooped in the house the second day home, right away in the morning. So now we are trying to be sure to get her to poop outside right in the morning. 
Found a new basket for her toys, and she thinks it's a toy. 
Otherwise, she eats fine. Going to try adding some raw meat into her diet because it is healthy. Her poop is mushier than I would like, but we will see how she does with kibble and raw food and go from there. 

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