Monday, April 27, 2020

follow up irritation

Well, I sent a message to the nurse this am with this picture. There hasn't been hardly any improvement in 48+ hours. They ended up calling and saying that they recommend I bring him in. They might want to drain it and culture to determine if the antibiotics he is on are adequate. So, 4pm visit in New Berlin, because the Delafield clinic isn't open d/t COVID.
So we drive 27 minutes to New Berlin...
 Masks all around, questions about COVID exposure, etc...
For the MD to do NOTHING. They decided not to drain it...afraid to cause more damage should they get nothing out. And she thought it looked better in the picture from Friday to today (I disagreed). And she isn't sure they would be able to drain in the clinic anyway, might have to go to ER if they decide it needs to be done. So, unless the redness spreads again, he develops a fever, etc, we are to continue on the abx for the week and follow it. This Mama was not happy walking out of that office. I drove almost 30 min one way, for them to look at it for 2 min and do nothing. We will have to pay towards our deductible for NOTHING. So annoyed...oh and don't forget we went in public and potentially exposed ourselves to COVID for nothing also.

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