Saturday, March 2, 2019

Verona Tourney

Another weekend spent in the rink!!
 Lunch with the team...means a few extra riders. Can always find room!
My cousin Eric and his wife Laura live in Madison, so they brought their barely 1 week old baby, Wes, to his first hockey game. We really appreciate them coming out to see us and watch Eddie. 
 Eddie and Wes
 Go Eddie!
At our last tournament in Waukesha, I paid for a photographer to take pictures of Eddie and create this awesome collage for his room. Worth the money!!
 Sweaty...and setting personal records. 6 goals and a couple assists in the second game this evening.
 Nice hustle Smith, #77.
 Reece and Eddie...after the game. 
Of course it wouldn't be a tournament with buddies if you didn''t get to swim and hang out in the hot tub. Hockey tournament fun as always. 

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