Saturday, September 29, 2018

MWT, visits, giz, lunch, burbs

We had quite the day today...but the real reason we came back was for Rowan to try out her new potential gym! Midwest Twisters in Hartland. She got to practice with them for 4 hours today. We got to officially meet the coaches beyond just a phone call and many emails! Turns out she will be a good fit and we will move forward with her attending once we move!
 While Rowan was a gymnastics....we stopped and visited Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie, then took Karen and Doug out for lunch as a thank you for taking care of Gizmo for the last month and a half! Then we picked up Rowan and then stopped at Karen and Doug's house to visit with Gizmo for a bit. 
Then we were off to Brookfield to check out the Rock the Burbs event that was going on. We got to catch up with Craig and Kate a bit, also saw Nora and family. Kids got to do the kids activities, we watched the finals from the talent competition that occurred earlier in the day...then we went and got dinner at Cafe Hollander!
 They had to take a selfie at one of the kids stations. 
 The view from Ed's apartment!
 Balloon base ball hat for the Brewers...
We had planned to watch Plain White T's concert after dinner...but when we came out it was raining. And we weren't dressed for that...and it was cold. So we did listen a bit from Ed's balcony...but for the most part snuggled in and headed to bed. We needed to be on the road home early am to get back to MN for hockey practice since we missed some already this weekend. 

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