Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

The bunny got a bit more creative this year...
Even sent the kids outside hunting for eggs...Gizmo was hot on their trail.
After being taken on a wild goose chase...they found their goodies. 
So many fun things to start the day! 
Then it was on to making our holiday meal...Rowan was Dad's primary helper...sadly I wasn't off the hook though.
Needed a break to fill up with sugar too! 
Gizmo wasn't phased by the chaos of the day. 
Aunt Jemima look for the day! Super cute! 
Annual Easter pic...hard to find any 'nice' clothes that fit the boy! We made it happen tho!
delicious looking ham 
Some day we will fill all of these seats for a holiday hopefully!  
Eddie had to try out the apron too...guess maybe we need to put Nana on making a boy apron!

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