Saturday, January 20, 2018

Alex's birthday party....turned_____

Today started out good for Eddie....a birthday party with the boys! Alex Boldt (coaches son) turned 7, so they got to go to Pinz, then head back to Alex's house for a bit before meeting us all in Hudson for a hockey tournament. Per the pictures...all was well with Eddie!
Rowan and I drove to Hudson to meet them all for the tournament, arrived before the rest of them so were waiting in locker room with Eddie's gear, when I got a text from Ali that Eddie wasn't feeling well. They were walking into the rink. So when he got to me, he was in tears, feverish and not good. So we took his gear and headed home. Thankfully we made with home without him puking in the car or anything. But so much for the little trip to Hudson, we were excited for the tournament too. Oh well, home to rest up the sick!

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