Wednesday, January 31, 2018

birthday love

Sending birthday love to Grandma Julie today!!
And then there is Gizmo, not bothered at all by my working today! 

Sunday, January 28, 2018


Or decide! Pro vs Con of having Dad help coach!!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Scandia Tournament Time

Finally some nice weather for an outdoor tournament! 
The day games...then the night game!
Even better when there is entertainment for the siblings as well...sledding!

Friday, January 26, 2018

finally Friday!!

Typical Friday for the Smith household...trip to Fiesta Cancun!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

another one down...

Gizmo is really upset about supervising his sister who came home sick today...with a 'fever'! And stomachache...the nurse told me she had a fever...of 99.3! What has this world come to? That is not a fever! But we are home milking it and resting with Gizmo while Mom works. Thankfully Eddie's sickness a few days ago turned out to just be strep, so antibiotics were all it took to get him fixed up!
Stop bothering me Mom.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

winter is overrated!

Woke up to this today...
Kids were excited to play in it after school tho! Dug this little hideout...right by the road?
Gizmo even checked it out! 

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Dad worked or played...?

When Dad was off 'helping' Dusty and Julie with some new home needs...or off skeet shooting; you know helping vs having fun. I guess having fun took priority. He loved it. This all stemmed from him acquiring a gun or two from his Grandpa Dick; so now he wants to learn to shoot them. And this was a blast I guess; so he wants to find somewhere in MN to do this too. 
And he learned to drink scotch while in IL as well...low calorie night cap......?

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Alex's birthday party....turned_____

Today started out good for Eddie....a birthday party with the boys! Alex Boldt (coaches son) turned 7, so they got to go to Pinz, then head back to Alex's house for a bit before meeting us all in Hudson for a hockey tournament. Per the pictures...all was well with Eddie!
Rowan and I drove to Hudson to meet them all for the tournament, arrived before the rest of them so were waiting in locker room with Eddie's gear, when I got a text from Ali that Eddie wasn't feeling well. They were walking into the rink. So when he got to me, he was in tears, feverish and not good. So we took his gear and headed home. Thankfully we made with home without him puking in the car or anything. But so much for the little trip to Hudson, we were excited for the tournament too. Oh well, home to rest up the sick!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Movie with Mom...

Nothing like some Fiesta Cancun and a movie when Dad is out of town! Oh and a slumber party in mom and dad's bed.
Ed was in Illinois for work this week so he extended his stay and visited with Dusty, Julie and Hudson in their new home! Rough trip it sounds like.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

outdoor practice

Just another freezing cold night of outdoor practice. A small group of kids and parents shivering! Probably just the parents were shivering.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Day 2 @ The Stadium

This weekend of weather has been something else! We had frigid with sun yesterday; then frigid in the dark last night. Then full blown snow today! Thankful to have great parents to spend these times with. Hockey moms below!

Maria, Courtney, Sarah, Michelle and I!
 I think the constant shoveling for todays game was entertaining for the boys.
 And pizza with the team afterwards is always a bonus!