Tuesday, October 17, 2017

more Macedonia and the pumpkin patch

Just another day in Macedonia...being escorted to a meeting with the Prime Minister of Macedonia. Which means a police escort...totally normal.
Lunch with a view. 
 More dogs.
 Tennant representing in Macedonia.
After school the kids and I took our annual trip to the pumpkin farm in Wyoming.  Got to see the animals, run around, play on some hay bales, and take a tractor ride to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins. Since it was just me (again) this year; I decided just the kids would get carveable pumpkins; I couldn't carry 4 by myself.
 Can't forget the corn pit...might have had to make Eddie get in for the photo op.
 She is only 9...oh brother!
Sometimes they pretend to like each other. 
Couldn't talk this kid into a smaller pumpkin.  

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