Saturday, August 19, 2017

no fun at all

We are more than thrilled to spend our anniversary with a few of our favorite people.
Ed took Dusty out fishing this morning...and the kids and I took Julie and Hudson to the Como Park Zoo. Hudson was totally into being a big kid with the kids. Not so interested in the photo op tho.
Glad I took some pics when we first got there because my trip went south fast....I felt fine in the morning. When we were driving to the zoo I tried drinking a protein shake and it wasn't going down like normal. As we were walking around the zoo my bodily functions started to go south fast. I was very close to puking in the bushes...but thankfully made it to the bathroom. So we did make it around the zoo (it isn't a large zoo) before we decided I shouldn't be exposing people to whatever I had going on.
So we headed home...and actually after that I felt a million times better. So we went home and got our stuff together to go meet the men out on the lake. I did fine out on the boat...on and off stomachache...but overall well compared to the zoo. We tied up on the sandbar and played some catch and entertained Hudson!
Uncle Ed even let him help drive the boat.  
And this is where the photos end...when we were too cold on the lake we headed home...and I was on the couch the rest of the night. Tried to sleep but couldn't, had a fever; finally took some ibuprofen and shortly after felt a million times better again. Was an early night for all anyway given our day of fun in the sun.

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