Wednesday, August 30, 2017

meet the teacher

Heading in to meet Eddie's 1st grade teacher...Mrs. Briggs! Rowan had her too! So we are thrilled.
His hook for the year! 

And somehow...we managed to take no pictures of Rowan's new locker or classroom! She has Mrs. St. Martin for 4th grade; and she is ecstatic...she was on her teacher wish list!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

clue cream

Last weekend forgot to mention that Nana introduced the kids to the game of Clue...even if it was the 1960's version...they loved it. So we had it in our Amazon cart Sunday night for a quick 2 day delivery! And of course it couldn't go unopened for long!!
And it was the perfect night for some DQ...Gizmo loves these nights as much as the rest of us. He is patiently waiting for someone to finish so he can lick their cup out.

Monday, August 28, 2017

We LOVE corn

Sunday, August 27, 2017

last meal

We had breakfast in White Bear at Keyes with Nana and Papa before they headed home...
Then the kids and I headed out for some back to school shopping. Karen and Doug sent them money a few weeks ago to use for school clothes shopping and it has been burning a hole in their pocket...they did a great job picking some new things out...and dipping into mom's wallet as well.
And another round of ribs completed tonight...standard weekend meal in the summer.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

MOA fun

We took Nana and Papa to the Mall of America for some shopping today! This is honestly the most shopping we have done at the MOA...and it wasn't much. We did do some things in Camp Snoopy, but somehow got away without any rides.
 Rowan had a caricature done...Eddie was in one of his moods and couldn't even be bribed to have it done with his sister. 
He was up for a couple games...
Then Nana and I got to stop in a couple stores while the kids and guys found cookies and treats...and now you can see the kids have had enough shopping fun.
Gizmo is missing his furry friend...Twiggy got to stay in WI with her trainer friend.

Maybe Gizmo won't be so exhausted after this visit then...

Friday, August 25, 2017


Nothing like a little fun while working...
Then it was time for Nana and Papa to arrive...and we headed to Red Robin for dinner! What a great idea! Kids loved it...nothing like bottom less fries and salads and some milk shakes with dinner.
I even admired the artwork...thought this was awesome.
 Twinning glasses wearers...
Can't leave out this cutie...with her cookies and cream shake 
Thirsty boy! 
And here I was drinking alone...while the rest endulged in their shakes.  
We had a table full of worth the million calories.  

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

new things...

When Eddie does his own hair...
And this girl is trying out her new Leo for Team level 3...and has nailed this leg for splits
And Mom got an award at work!! Woot Woot! 
And someone's glasses came in today!! Such a stud! 

Monday, August 21, 2017

on the ice again

Just another day at Schwan's Super Rink...

Sunday, August 20, 2017

breakfast and ribs

While the men took advantage of one more morning of fishing before heading back to IL...
Julie and I took the kids out for breakfast at Keyes!!
Then we had to get moving on our practice for BBQ competition coming up....
this kids was a great taste tester!
I think we are onto something here...

Saturday, August 19, 2017

no fun at all

We are more than thrilled to spend our anniversary with a few of our favorite people.
Ed took Dusty out fishing this morning...and the kids and I took Julie and Hudson to the Como Park Zoo. Hudson was totally into being a big kid with the kids. Not so interested in the photo op tho.
Glad I took some pics when we first got there because my trip went south fast....I felt fine in the morning. When we were driving to the zoo I tried drinking a protein shake and it wasn't going down like normal. As we were walking around the zoo my bodily functions started to go south fast. I was very close to puking in the bushes...but thankfully made it to the bathroom. So we did make it around the zoo (it isn't a large zoo) before we decided I shouldn't be exposing people to whatever I had going on.
So we headed home...and actually after that I felt a million times better. So we went home and got our stuff together to go meet the men out on the lake. I did fine out on the boat...on and off stomachache...but overall well compared to the zoo. We tied up on the sandbar and played some catch and entertained Hudson!
Uncle Ed even let him help drive the boat.  
And this is where the photos end...when we were too cold on the lake we headed home...and I was on the couch the rest of the night. Tried to sleep but couldn't, had a fever; finally took some ibuprofen and shortly after felt a million times better again. Was an early night for all anyway given our day of fun in the sun.