Thursday, January 19, 2017

home sick

Well, sadly, Rowan and I had a long night together. She puked pretty much hourly from 8p-4am. I tried to stay in my own room, but after she came in for the second time, I decided I might as well go sleep with her. So we ended up in the guest bed together for the rest of the night. Wasn't until 4am that we got a couple hours of restful sleep. But then I was up to work at 7am and get Eddie off to school ! Thankfully Rowan slept until almost 9am, woke up with a bit of a headache, took some medicine, kept it down and slept for a few more hours! Wish I could've slept too, but I was able to get a full day of work in with her home. One of the perks of working from home.

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