Monday, January 30, 2017

sick visit

Had to take a quick trip to the md to ensure we didn't have anything brewing in these little ears. Good to go. Guess we will just treat the other symptoms.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

another double day

This morning at 805am we started with a scrimmage at the Hippodrome for Eddie...
Rowan is ready for her Winterblast game!
Then off to the Stadium for Rowan's Winterblast game against Sibley.
Was chilly but fun for all. Afterwards we got some breakfast before heading home.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

super saturday

We started the day going separate ways...Eddie had a game at 9am outside at the Stadium scrimmaging the black Mite 2 team. And Rowan had a game in Stillwater @ Ed took her to that. Turns out they called a penalty for the first time, and she got to take a penalty shot! I missed something new and exciting....bummer!
After our morning games we came home for a couple hours before heading to Eddie's practice at 3:05pm because the Mahtomedi Jamboree that they were supposed to play in got cancelled.

Ed decided to get out my sewing basket and fix the holes in Rowan's leggings. didn't hold well. But it was the thought and effort that counted.
Rowan and I watching Eddie at the Hippodrome this afternoon.

Friday, January 27, 2017

close enough

So nice to be loved...working today and this is where Gizmo decided he needed to sleep. Apparently all the dog beds and kids beds are too good for him and he'd rather be by his Mom!
Tonight, Rowan had a game at the Lumberyard in Stillwater. I had a bad view from up in the viewing area, so didn't get a picture until we came downstairs for the shootout. And I accidently took a picture instead of a video, so this is what we got.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


So, on January 11th, my friend and neighbor delivered her twin boys at 35 weeks gestation. They spent less than 2 weeks in the NICU and were brought home on Monday the 23rd! And it killed me to wait these 3 days to come over and visit them. They are doing so well! They had a home visit today and both have gained weight since coming home! So happy for them! Luke and Brady are their names! I am holding Brady in both pictures...but I did hold Luke too. Rowan was some competition I had to share. And it was a school night, so had to get the kids home and in bed in a timely fashion, or I would have stayed all night.
Rowan and Brady
Rowan and Luke 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

cancelled = boat show....then hockey

Rowan was supposed to have her WBL Winterblast this weekend at the Stadium...but it got cancelled because the ice conditions were poor because of the weather. So we had a free we ended up at the boat show in Minneapolis!
It was very many boats to see, among many other things.
They had the outdoor patio furniture we are eyeing up as well!
Huge motors....with camouflage!
Free handouts...and pictures!
Eddie was crabby by the time we got to this picture so he didn't participate.
Then in the evening it was back to the Hipp for some more hockey. Rowan got the day off! Yahoo!
BUT...she did help Ed do the buzzer! So she participated. And actually Ed just supervised.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Girls Gopher Game!

Thankfully Rowan got better fast after being home sick yesterday! Because we made it to her teams outing at the Girls Gopher Game at the University of Minnesota. We met the team at Buffalo Wild Wings on campus; had dinner and a couple beers and then headed to the game. The girls (and the rest of us) had a blast. Very fun experience and good hockey. The Gophers beat Ohio State too!

Thursday, January 19, 2017

home sick

Well, sadly, Rowan and I had a long night together. She puked pretty much hourly from 8p-4am. I tried to stay in my own room, but after she came in for the second time, I decided I might as well go sleep with her. So we ended up in the guest bed together for the rest of the night. Wasn't until 4am that we got a couple hours of restful sleep. But then I was up to work at 7am and get Eddie off to school ! Thankfully Rowan slept until almost 9am, woke up with a bit of a headache, took some medicine, kept it down and slept for a few more hours! Wish I could've slept too, but I was able to get a full day of work in with her home. One of the perks of working from home.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Eddie in roseville...

This was our first time playing outside here in Roseville at the Oval! Sadly, I didn't get to stay long because Rowan wasn't feeling well. So we headed home after about 5 minutes of the game....thankfully! This location has 3 ice rinks surrounded by a speed skating 'oval' where many Olympians have trained!
Luckily...we made it home and in the door and about 2 minutes later Rowan was puking! Thankfully in our home and in a bowl...and it was the start of a long night!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Not sure why this was so intriguing to me this morning...but with the melting and refreezing, Gizmo's paw print was perfect on the front step today!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Game 3 and selfie

Finishing up our weekend outside this am and then onto Rowan's game indoors.
This boy and I are cheering on our favorite girl! Guess I only took videos of Rowan today?

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Mite 2 Winterblast!

This weekend White Bear Hockey hosted the WinterBlast Jamboree at The Stadium. Boys are playing 3 games total. 2 today and one tomorrow. It's a bit chilly out but the sun sure makes a difference. Game 1 was at 12pm and 2 was at 5pm! The outdoor pictures were pretty cool.
This girl had fun, and we squeezed her practice in there too!
Sadly we donated and didn't win anything in the raffle. Also donated enough money to the restaurant and bar; but was fun to hang out with the team parents and kids. Kids got new hats to come.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

We have an 8 1/2 year old

Rowan insisted on bringing a treat for her class for her 1/2 birthday today!
Stop growing up please.