Wednesday, March 23, 2016

play dates all around

This morning, Rowan went to her friend Avery's house to play for a couple hours, then she came here for a bit (no pictures apparently). Then this afternoon, Eddie's friend Asher came over to play for a few hours.
Here's the thing about Asher coming to play...he isn't comfortable with his parents leaving him here his dad stays with him! Which is semi awkward for me! Usually play dates are time for me to get stuff done, but this is the second time Asher and his dad have some over and I have to entertain his dad...which is fine to a point. Today, they knew we had to leave for gymnastics...and I literally almost had to push them out the door so we could leave. To add more awkwardness to the day...his dad brought his own beer with him! Apparently he had a cooler in his truck, but brought one in in his sweatshirt pocket. He did ask me if it was ok if he had it, which I was fine with, thinking it was just one and they wouldn't be here very long. Three trips to his car later, and three hours later, he probably have a 6 pack before they left. Weird. This is a 5 year old play date...and you are driving your son home. Anyway...I thought they were fairly normal prior to this playdate...but I it will be awhile before they are invited over again. Sorry had to document this visit.

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