Monday, November 30, 2015

messy snow

Today was our first snow 'storm' of the season...and Ed's first 2.5 hour commute to work. Yuck. It actually took me 25 minutes to take Eddie to school too...which is usually a 5 minute drive.
Sounds like we will get a few more inches tonight into tomorrow, but supposed to warm up by the end of the week so it's all going to melt. Been a crazy weather fall/winter so far. I'm loving it.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

clinic boys

Eddie passing with Ed and Justin during warm ups. Just one of the boys...or men I guess.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

neighbor love

Surprised Brian was willing to share this deliciousness with us after our door bell ringing last week...but he brought us leftover blizzard pie, oh yum!

Friday, November 27, 2015

loving daddy

They sure have loved having Ed home all week this week. We got our tree up yesterday too. Rowan was begging, so we got it done. Sad that Ed's staycation is coming to an end.
We did some cleaning of the basement this week, and Ed finally found his hockey bag from way back when that he swore got lost or thrown away. Turns out when we moved they packed it in a box. So he was happy to find some treasures to share with the kids.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

snowy thankfulness

Today is the first measurable snowfall we have had in Minnesota, so the kids had to test it out. And then they had to come in and have some hot chocolate to warm up of course. While Dad and I were slaving over our meal for Thanksgiving!
We endulged right about noon today! It turned out great. Turkey, mashes potatoes, yam for mom, stuffing, homemade cranberries, rolls, gravy and roasted brussel sprouts! Delicious. And for dessert we had Pecan pie. We were supposed to make raspberry sauce to have over ice cream, but we didn't get that far. So that will be another day.

Thankful for these little Packer fans today.
A very restful relaxing Thanksgiving at home...awaiting the hustle and bustle of the holidays and travelling. Which is why we opted to stay home for this year.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

open skate

Ed decided to take vacation this week before Thanksgiving! So today we took Eddie to open skate to practice. And they made me skate too. It was fun, but Eddie got tired after like 45 minutes. So then we headed to Culvers for some ice cream...that's normal at 1015am, right? And then to Caribou for Coffee too. Spoiled little day for us today while poor Rowan was at school.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Go Packers...

Our Packer fans! Living it up in MN!
And Rowan after they defeated the Vikings!
The kids ran across the street after the victory and rang Brian's door bell and yelled Go Packers! Not sure he loved us so much in that moment. Kids thought it was pretty funny!

Saturday, November 21, 2015


Today we decided to try a new holiday sweet recipe...definite success. Tasty and cute.
Tonight, the kids decided to have a sleepover in Rowan's room. They honestly would sleep together every night if we let them, but we told them they can't on school nights.

Friday, November 20, 2015

skating party

Tonight Rowan was invited to Rilynn's birthday party! It was from 730-930p! Late for me even! But she had so much fun. Funny to see how much her skating has improved from last year at this time....which was her first time ever on skates and now she owns her own rollerblades and rocks them.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

CeCe 5:15

Rowan started in a new timed class tonight. She was on the waiting list for CeCe's 5:15pm class, and she finally got in. CeCe is supposed to be a great coach, and we were hoping for an earlier class so that we aren't getting home so late at night. So this was a win win situation! Here the girls are working on their strength. They hold this position for 30+ seconds, each week they increase by 5 seconds. Once with their hands forwards and once backwards. Only about half the class can do it, Rowan included! Go girl.

Monday, November 16, 2015

last swim class

Was fun night for Eddie at his last night of swim. He will repeat Level 1 in winter, just a couple skills to improve on!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

sunday shenanigans...

We talked Uncle Dusty and Aunt Julie into letting Hudson play with is birthday gift inside while it's still clean and the weather isn't quite optimal for it...success. Hudson in his diaper mowing the carpet!
This morning before Grandma and Grandpa left they requested the kids take a picture with them for their Christmas card. So I stole the chance to get a couple of the kids together too. Will share their picture with the grandparents after the card goes out, don't want to spoil the cuteness.
Clinic night tonight...Eddie loves passing with Dad during warm ups.
So cute to see the boys doing something together they both love.
Our master closet! Before and After! Now we just need to do the opposite wall with shelving and shoe storage. Another weekend project!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

shoes, saturday, fun...

Our nephew Hudson turned One on the 4th, and we weren't able to make it to IL for his birthday party, but we sent him a couple gifts! One of which was new shoes for the walking boy! Mom and Dad sent us a picture of his trying them out today! Such a big boy.
We had a busy morning around here...we all took a trip to Menards and Gander Mountain to get a few things! Then we left the boys at home and us ladies headed out to do some shopping of our own.
Eddie did some building with Dad...he made his tool box! And Dad worked on some shelving in our closet! So thankful for my handy hubby!
Then we had a pretty low key night hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa.

Friday, November 13, 2015

finally friday!

Finally it's done! Our bedroom has gone from tan to grey this week. I love it! It makes our room seem so much brighter. Still need to finish up the décor in the room, and maybe some new bedding and lamps. But the paint was the hardest part. Also going to customize the closet in the near future too versus just the one row of builder grade hanging shelving!
This evening, our little lady wanted to get in on our game of Racko on her own. She is catching on pretty quickly! Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill are here visiting this weekend, so we were teaching them how to play too. Rowan may have showed them up a bit!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

preschool conferences

Tonight we met with Eddie's teacher, Miss Julie, to hear how he is doing in school. She didn't have one bad thing to say about him! Always good to hear. In the beginning of the year he followed her around a lot and wanted to play with her, but now he has branched off and has his friends in class and interacts with them well. She assured us that was very normal. She also mentioned the little relationship he has with Sydney, our neighbor down the road, that he doesn't see much. But they seem to have a little bond at school. Too cute.


from painting...honestly! Painting non stop for the last couple days, ceilings and walls of the master bedroom and master closet. Almost. done.! Time out for a game of Monopoly with Eddie.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

nothing worse...

Than running out of paint when you have a half of a wall left! Seriously, this would only happen to me! Oh well, off to Menards I go for more! This project has me in over my head. Way bigger than a couple of bathrooms! But it's going to be awesome when done.