Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy 4th of July!

Though it was weird to come up north on a worked out great considering today is the 4th of July. Started out the morning with some fishing from the pier...and Ed took Eddie out for a bit in the boat too. And of course we can't miss a swimming opportunity before our big day at the parade and what not.  
Then just after noon and a quick lunch...we headed to the Conover Parade! And look at who we got to spend the day with! Our favorites...Chris and Ingrid! 
Our annual group photo at the parade!
Karen let me look like a weirdo with this lovely barrett! Photo bombers too.
Parade was a success...plenty of candy to go around!
After the parade we went to the park to have a burger and a few beers, do a few dances... then back tot he lake to cool off and hang out. Community dinner and some fireworks! Great day!

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