Friday, July 31, 2015

Oneka park and Lemonade

I took the kids and some neighbor friends over to Oneka park to play today!
Then we came home and they got out the lemonade stand finally. Grandma Julie and Grandpa Kris gave this to them for Christmas! Color Ink made them so Grandma scored one for the kids. They actually made a few dollars!

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Blaine MN and DQ

Today I took the kids to Blaine to the splash pad and beach. We had a blast! Kids loved being able to go back and forth between (with rinsing off sand of course). And they could swim past the shallow part of the beach too, which they found amusing. Eddie could still stand though, so wasn't very deep.
At the beach there was a small food truck that we accidentally got ice cream from before we left to cool off as well.
And after dinner we accidentally stopped at Dairy Queen to support Miracle Network Day! Always willing to have ice cream to support a good cause (Children's Hospitals!)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

never old

Rowan almost made it to the top of the rope in gymnastics class today!
Just when you think something can never get old...Eddie pulls out his bubble mower. Two years ago he and this mower were inseparable...guess we will hang on to it a little longer.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

just another Tuesday...

Started with a make up gymnastics class...
a trip to the park...
a trip to the grocery store...where we found Maui Babe by accident! When we were up north Judy had this from years ago that we were all using, and she found it online for like $40 because it was from Hawaii. But you can find it in a MN Festival for $12.99, SCORE!
Eddie's last night of t-ball tonight!
Complete with a trophy!
Go team! 

Monday, July 27, 2015

street hockey

Eddie could play hockey in the driveway with Ed all day long. Until Ed shoots and hits Eddie in the shin with a puck...then he is done!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

sunday sunday

Someone was a little sleepy after a fun and busy day yesterday.
We acquired a Wii weeks ago...and finally shared the secret with the kids. Now they want to play constantly. Nothing like some boxing in your undies on a Sunday morning.
Ed whipped up some pasta for dinner tonight!
And here is the finished product from our mulch party yesterday! We had extra dirt, so we kept going with the landscaping...and ending up in the front yard too.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

mulch and neighbors

We had 4 yards of dirt and 4 yards of mulch delivered on Thursday afternoon to move this morning. Well, we had 4 wonderful men show up with shovels and wheel barrels and helps us move all of it in like 1.5 hours. It was awesome and so much appreciated! We ended up having 2 more yards of mulch delivered early afternoon so we could finish up the project!
We had just enough time to shower before the Kid Neighborhood Fun Run began!
Despite the heat, the kids all did great.
Complete with medals!
 And some water to cool off in.
Then the karaoke fun began...
Some yard games...
And thankfully we behaved and went to bed at a reasonable time. May have had something to do with our day in the sun playing with dirt and mulch?

Friday, July 24, 2015

Rowan's friend party

We decided to have a small 7th friend party for Rowan this year. We took the kids and Gabby and Elaina to a movie, pizza, and a sleepover! It turned out great...minus the fact that they could stay up longer than us! But they were out shortly before midnight! Everyone got along fine, they allowed Eddie to sleep in the loft with them, and all was good.
Minions in 3D!
Of course our American girl dolls couldn't be left out!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

car shopping

So, last week while the kids were at day camp...I did some window car shopping. We had some car issues the week of July 4th when we were up north that ended up costing us $700. After looking back at receipts, we have put almost $3000 into my Tucson in the last 5 I took it to CarMax to have it appraised last week too. That being said, they offered me $1200 for it. This has helped us decide that the next time the Tucson requires a spendy repair, it will be time to buy something different.
Today we were actually at CarMax getting the Camry appraised to decide if we would like to sell it and buy Papa's Infiniti that he is selling. So I had the kids check out an Expedition EL that was on the lot and is a potential vehicle for our future. Then we also stopped at a Chevy dealer to look at a Suburban as well. They of course wanted to buy either one right much more room. But we are going to wait for the Tucson to die before we make any decisions.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

MD and end of season

Rowan was into the doctor today for her 7 year well visit.
She is 47 inches tall and weighs 48 pounds!
They even did her blood pressure (73/47)
They did vision and hearing screening while we were there...turns out we are going to head to the eye doctor for a more thorough exam. Rowan's left eye didn't seem to be as up to par as her right. So we just want to have it checked out to be safe!
And tonight we had her last t-ball game of the summer! She was so excited to have Kayla as a coach!