Saturday, April 4, 2015

long night...but life goes on!

It all started last night around 830pm...well, actually before that. Around dinner time, Rowan complained that her tummy hurt, but she ate a little bit, sucked it up to play outside, but came in shortly thereafter. Then she's be fine for a bit, then wincing in pain. Then.....she puked! On the living room floor, then Ed tried to get her to the bathroom where she hit the floor and eventually toilet. She got showered and cleaned up, brushed her teeth and we all went to bed. I slept in bed with her...where she continued to puke or dry heave hourly all.night.long! I think the only hour she didn't puke was 3 am. And just before that hour she had diarrhea and then puked immediately after. Then she was good from like 6-9am. Ed went to the store to get her white soda, saltines and some soup. But she pretty much didn't eat all day. Tried some donut holes in the evening, didn't go well. But she did sleep most of the day in this spot, and all night!
So, while Rowan was being sickly on the living room floor....Eddie and I headed down to the neighborhood Egg hunt! And he made out! A bucket full of eggs, cupcake, sucker, fruit snacks, you name it. Rowan's buddy Elaina even hunted for eggs for her, so thoughtful. This is the kids from our neighborhood, with a few missing of course.
Eddie was lucky, he was old on the young side of the hunt...the 4 y/o and under had their own yard full of eggs! So he had free reign. He was hesitant at first. Then he got moving and was running from egg to egg.
Lucky boy! Thank you to the Autrey family for hosting!
And then there is Dad being naughty bringing Gizmo on the couch again...
Eddie was just chilling this afternoon watching his Ipad with his paper bunny ears on he got from the bunny the other day...
Hoping for some better sleep tonight and that Rowan will be on the mend tomorrow?

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