Monday, January 12, 2015

evaluation and spidey

Today I went to the doctor to have a growth on the back of my neck evaluated. I've had it for a month or so, was hoping it was an ingrown hair or pimple but it never went away and was getting slightly bigger. And last week it was tender to the touch. The doctor thinks it is a cyst...she is an internal medicine doctor so I have to see a family practice doctor to have it removed. She said I could leave it alone as it looks fine. It isn't red and infected or anything. But in my mind, why would I wait until it got bigger or infected before doing something about it. So appointment will be made to have it removed. Eddie was stellar while we waited...even got to color.
And spidey was in action tonight! With his stickers on that he got from the doctors office. Never a dull moment with this kid!

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