Friday, January 30, 2015

our cheer girl!

Today after school Rowan did another cheer clinic! She got to learn some new moves and cheers from the high school cheerleaders and then they cheered for the first half of the basketball game, and then did a routine during half time. After half time they got to have pizza with all the girls.
Elaina did the cheer clinic too, so we got to watch the game with the Hosfield's. Eddie was happy to have a friend! He and Drew got to run around and play while the girls ate pizza.
Rowan and Elaina...
Rowan's friend, Annie, from school cheered too! 
Uncle Mitch joined us for dinner and the basketball game as well.
After the game, we took a family selfie to send to Grandma Julie for her birthday tomorrow!

the hyundai...

is getting old....haven't had the beauty quite 10 years and we have hit 150,000 miles! Still running strong. Not sure if we are happy about that or not. We need a bigger vehicle, but it just isn't worth it at this point. Going to keep the Hyundai until she becomes unreliable!

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

lego heaven...

Eddie received a Christmas gift replacement today from Aunt Karen...and he is on cloud 9! He's a lucky duck!

Monday, January 26, 2015

after school fun

Kids played outside with Elaina and Drew today...they have so much fun together!

sending love

...and happy birthday's to cousin Grady!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

say cheese...

Poor Gizmo puts up with a lot! We love him for that!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

frosty fun

Was a glorious sunny warmish day for January. So we walked a bit and played outside a bit too.
After snacks in the Jeep, we broke out the snowman kit and created a colorful Frosty!
Ed has been gone since Tuesday night...and he gets home this afternoon. Counting down the hours!

Friday, January 23, 2015

never a dull moment

Not sure why we can't ever just take a nice smiling picture of Rowan...always a pose or crazy face! She is lucky she is cute.
And apparently Eddie was tired...pajama days are rough!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

i scream, you scream

...we all scream for ice cream! While dad's away, we will play; and have ice cream for dinner. Very nutritious!
While both kids were at school this afternoon, I had my cyst removed! Turns out it was a sebaceous cyst...there was drainage when the doctor removed it! A couple of stitches later and I was on my way. Back in 10 days to have the stitches out!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

conferences #2

Tonight we had another round of conferences for Rowan. I had to attend solo this time as Ed is out of town for work and a holiday party this weekend. Nothing but good things to say about Rowan as usual. She could use some work on her penmanship and writing stories! We will take that!

Monday, January 19, 2015

level 3 and bobbers...

No school today, so kids built a fort...
And swim lessons round 2 started tonight...Eddie is a bobber now and Rowan a Level 3!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

so depressing...

Silly morning pictures...
Go Pack Go! Playoff game!
These were clearly taken before the game was over....Packers were ahead and dominating all game until the last 5 minutes when it all went down hill and they lost. Ed was speechless...doesn't happen often.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

family sledding and backbends

Who would have thought it would be so far into winter by the time we had enough snow and not below freezing temps to get out and sled! Today was a perfect day for it! We all had so much fun!
This evening Rowan attended a gymnastics clinic to work on backbends...she is in the purple and blue in the middle.

Friday, January 16, 2015

playdate and cheese

Kids got to go sledding and play with Franziska and her sister Catarina after school today. So fun!
And Ed was given some special cheese curds at work today! Go Pack!

Monday, January 12, 2015

evaluation and spidey

Today I went to the doctor to have a growth on the back of my neck evaluated. I've had it for a month or so, was hoping it was an ingrown hair or pimple but it never went away and was getting slightly bigger. And last week it was tender to the touch. The doctor thinks it is a cyst...she is an internal medicine doctor so I have to see a family practice doctor to have it removed. She said I could leave it alone as it looks fine. It isn't red and infected or anything. But in my mind, why would I wait until it got bigger or infected before doing something about it. So appointment will be made to have it removed. Eddie was stellar while we waited...even got to color.
And spidey was in action tonight! With his stickers on that he got from the doctors office. Never a dull moment with this kid!