Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mom's thoughts...

I am feeling the need to put my thoughts on paper after the big '1st' day of school for Rowan was emotional to say the least, but I survived. I was much more at ease seeing her get off that bus with a smile on her face yesterday afternoon.

Now after day 2, which again went well...I am feeling a huge void without her here. Mostly because for whatever reason it seems like I have all this extra time. Eddie is good at entertaining himself, and with it just being one it is easier to up and do things. So we played games, read books, went for walks, played outside, same things we did with Rowan here, but without the fighting and bickering. So now after 2 days, my house is clean and laundry is caught what will tomorrow bring for Eddie and I? I seriously think I have all of this extra time because I am not breaking up fights between the two of them, or having to constantly entertain Rowan. As time consuming as all of that was, I do miss it.

On another note, Rowan had a rough evening tonight. We came inside after getting off the bus to wind down a bit. Then we headed over to play with Brock and Aly, and they all played great, but then when it was time to head home for dinner, Rowan was the devil. Crying and screaming and putting on a show because she didn't want to go home. It was a huge production that is completely new for her. Of course I chalk it up to being tired from the last 2 days of school. But man oh man, it better not continue. Needless to say, we won't be playing with our friends tomorrow after school, and it was off to bed at 7pm tonight. We need to figure out what she needs to maintain her sanity after a full day of school. We will see if tomorrow is better when we head inside after school and rest.

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