Monday, September 30, 2013

fire station and friends...

Rowan went on her first field trip today to the Ashippun fire station, and Brock's mom chaperoned, so she sent me a picture of Rowan having fun!
 And this is how most of our days look after the monsters get home from school. Today we played in our driveway and had pretzel rods! Fun times.

Friday, September 27, 2013


We went to Grandma and Grandpa Knutson's house this evening to watch the Pewaukee Homecoming Parade...and man did they get a haul of candy! Made me feel quite old. First time watching a Pewaukee function in a long time...

trip to the station

imagination station...

Monday, September 23, 2013

sickness round 1

So this is pretty much what the last few days has been like in this house hold. Rowan started it with a little cough, but it really ended up getting Eddie the worst. He started with a croup cough, fever and then just a cold for a week. Thankfully no puking or ear infection...but it's only September.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

ice cream

We found out tonight that the Chocolate Factory has blue moon ice cream...and pumpkin for mom! Glad we were out...because we had to go rescue dad from locking his keys in the trunk at golf. Perfect.

neighbor fun

Making the most of the nice weather that is left. Organized soccer in the backyard at the Ross's. Too cute.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

BBQ contest

We headed to Glen Ellyn for the weekend to participate in the BBQ contest in town. Well, really Ed just assisted Dusty in the contest, and the rest of us observed and hung out. Was a chilly day, but fun. We headed there in the morning and were there until dark by the time they announced all of the winners.
They had to submit a bbq sauce, a best dish, and ribs of course. They won 1st place peoples choice for the sauce and did very well overall on best dish (11th) and ribs (26th)...there were 60 teams participating!
 Rowan, Eddie, Stella and Monty
While Eddie was waiting to leave, he decided to help Uncle Dusty fix a few things.
 Family pic...
Hanging out with Nana and Linda 
There were actually lots of people there throughout the day hanging out, so the kids were quite entertained.
Hoggystyle Cuties!

Friday, September 13, 2013


ally and eddie

Played at imagination station today with Ally. Lots of fun in the sun.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

just another day

Eddie and I had just another day...looking like a stud. And Rowan had her 6 month dental visit. Today was picture day at school today for Rowan too. She sure smiled pretty.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Eddie's 1st haircut

We were at the Yellow House this evening for haircuts. This was Eddie's first official haircut not by mom! He did awesome! This was also Rowan's first time having her hair washed like a big girl! She loved it.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Mom's thoughts...

I am feeling the need to put my thoughts on paper after the big '1st' day of school for Rowan was emotional to say the least, but I survived. I was much more at ease seeing her get off that bus with a smile on her face yesterday afternoon.

Now after day 2, which again went well...I am feeling a huge void without her here. Mostly because for whatever reason it seems like I have all this extra time. Eddie is good at entertaining himself, and with it just being one it is easier to up and do things. So we played games, read books, went for walks, played outside, same things we did with Rowan here, but without the fighting and bickering. So now after 2 days, my house is clean and laundry is caught what will tomorrow bring for Eddie and I? I seriously think I have all of this extra time because I am not breaking up fights between the two of them, or having to constantly entertain Rowan. As time consuming as all of that was, I do miss it.

On another note, Rowan had a rough evening tonight. We came inside after getting off the bus to wind down a bit. Then we headed over to play with Brock and Aly, and they all played great, but then when it was time to head home for dinner, Rowan was the devil. Crying and screaming and putting on a show because she didn't want to go home. It was a huge production that is completely new for her. Of course I chalk it up to being tired from the last 2 days of school. But man oh man, it better not continue. Needless to say, we won't be playing with our friends tomorrow after school, and it was off to bed at 7pm tonight. We need to figure out what she needs to maintain her sanity after a full day of school. We will see if tomorrow is better when we head inside after school and rest.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

1st day of Kindergarten

I can't believe that this day is here already. I knew that it wasn't going to be easy for me. Although I held it together until she was on the bus and driving off. She on the other hand, didn't look back and did very well.
She meets at the bus stop right on the corner in front of our house with 2 boys, Brock and Sawyer. Glad that she doesn't have to do it all alone.
Ed was off of work today because the plant was closed for the holiday. Had he not been around, I seriously think I would have been walking in circles not sure what to do with myself. We went to Costco and Walmart shortly after she left. Then Eddie and I played outside for a bit and went for a walk. Then it was lunch time and nap time. And before I knew it, time for my little girl to come home. 
Eddie took the longest nap he's taken since losing his pacifier a few weeks ago. But he did manage to wake up right before the bus rolled up. Seemed like the longest wait ever for those kids bus to pull up. And she was the first one to get off. She was hanging around the bus waiting for Brock to get off (he got off by his house instead) Such a thoughtful little girl she can be.
Thankfully, Rowan had nothing but good things to say about her day. She had to sit near the back of the bus on the way to school because it was so full. She saw Ella and Lily on the bus, and I think sat by Ella on the way to school. She had hot lunch today and that went well. She brought home a few projects already. And wants to go back tomorrow. What more can I ask for? 
That being said, her evening was a bit questionable. I imagine it was all due to being very tired from a long day. But she was more sassy and wild than normal. I think she was annoyed that so many people were wanting to hear about her day, and she just wanted to let loose at home. So we might need to evaluate what she needs in order to keep her grounded after school. Time will tell.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Day of Cookouts...

We started our day out at Nana and Papa's with them and Dusty and Julie, and ended our day at Grandpa Kris and Grandma Julie's with more family. Got out Labor Day cookouts in on Sunday because I have to work tomorrow at 3pm.
Eddie got to ride on Papa's new tractor.
And Rowan spoiled the dogs!
Another picture to come...Aunt Julie and Uncle Dusty were the people of choice today. Rowan and Eddie determined where we all sat for lunch because they both wanted to sit by Dusty and Julie, they sure were feeling the love.
After our luncheon, we headed home for Eddie's nap and a little relaxation.
Then we were off to grill out with the Knutson's! The kids swam for a brief time, then we were inside because the storms rolled through. We had a nice little dinner, the kids helped with dishes...then it was off to home to get the kids to bed. The countdown to school is on.