Wednesday, January 30, 2013

snow storm denise

We got another 8+ inches of snow today! And of course we were out and about in it. I worked last night, and then had to come home and take Rowan to school. Then get the house cleaned up and organized for a showing at 1015am. Eddie, Grandma Pam and I headed to Kohls and Walmart to waste some time before picking Rowan up from school and returning after the showing was done. So we were out slip sliding in the the snow, while I should have been sleeping. It was noon before I went to sleep.
Slept for 3.5 hours, then we were out snowblowing and playing in the snow. Grandma Pam decided to spend the night again instead of fighting the snow home, so Ed stayed down in Nashotah as well. I was on call at 7pm and luckily didn't get called in.
Sort of a sad/funny side note...Gizmo was outside with us while Grandma and the kids played, and I snowblowed. He was running around like a wild man on the side of the house and we thought in the back yard. Well, Grandma and the kids went to the back to shovel off the patio, and couldn't find Gizmo. Grandma could hear him whining when she came back out front, but couldn't find him anywhere. Well, the neighbors had an egress window put in this winter, and don't have a cover on it yet. Gizmo managed to fall in the window well when he was running. So, he was whining because he couldn't get out. So I had to go in after him. Poor guy was covered in snow. Needless to say, he went in the house at that point, didn't want to lose him again! Let's just say the window well is on order. Luckily he didn't get hurt!

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