Monday, September 17, 2012

18 Months Old

Weight: 25.5 lbs (45th percentile)
Height: 34 in. (91st percentile)
Head: 19.3 in. (82nd percentile)

Eddie's 18 month appointment was rather uneventful today. I didn't have any concerns. He is pretty on track with life. Probably could be talking more, but the doctor said it is normal. He probably says less than 10 words. (Momma, Daddy, gizzy, no, please, doggy...that's probably about it.) He should probably be drinking more milk than he is, but Rowan was the same way at this age. Didn't like milk as much from a sippy cup. He will drink it, but he doesn't chug it by any means.

The doctor asked me how he ate, and my response was, "more than his 4 year old sister". He only gained 1/2 pound in 3 months. But he is contantly going, and he really does eat just as much if not more than Rowan, so I really wasn't concerned, and neither was the doctor really.

Otherwise, he had to get 3 vaccines today. (Hep A, Hib, and DTap) And we will have to go back in the next couple months for the flu shot. Of course he cried, but overall he did fine. He wanted the bandaids off immediately, I think he thought that was what was hurting him. Rowan was at school when we went for the appintment, and all she was concerned about was seeing his owies when we got home. Such a little Mommy she is.

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