Sunday, September 30, 2012


enuf said!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

it's all coming along

The plumber finally finished, and we are thankful. He was still here when the inspectors came, but everything was pretty much done, so Ed has been busy hanging drywall. Hard to get pictures of such a small space. Although it really is a nice size bathroom.
Last week we also got the landscaping completely done. Now it is complete with mulch.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

more work

The work for the kids and I today consisted of making brownies!
But, the next item on the agenda is finishing a bathroom in the basement. Ed has been busy finishing the electrical and getting the tub in place for the plumber who came today to run water for the tub/shower, toilet and sink, install the tub, as well as fixing our outdoor faucet in back.  He wasn't able to be here as early as planned due to an early morning emergency call, so he will be back in the morning to finish up. Hopefully before the inspector comes between 930-11am.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


We took advantage of the nice weekend to travel to Illinois and Iowa to visit Ed's Grandparents. It was perfect weather for it, and there were tons of family in town to visit. We corraled Nana and Papa into going too so that we could get a new picture of Ed I/II/III/IV!
So, we headed out friday around lunch time, Ed took a half day and we hit the road when Rowan was done with school. So we arrived in Moline around 430pm.  On our way, one of our stops for gas and lunch was in Beloit, and we were lucky enough to meet Ronald McDonald in person! Kids weren't so thrilled. The only way we could get a picture was with Ed and I in it as well.
Once we arrived in Moline, the fun started. Poor Great Papa wasn't feeling well, but he handled the commotion quite well. There were a ton of people in town, kids galore. Nicki was in Chicago visiting her boyfriend, so they were in town with his son. Ted had Tara's 4 boys while she and Eric were house hunting, so they stopped by. Eveyone was heading to Mitch's football game, so we got to see Jenna, Carter and Peyton. Kelly, Maddie and Jack stopped. Meg and Chuch were watching Syndey and Dylan while Graham and Kim were in Vegas for a friends wedding. And Chad was in town with his 4 girls too. Friday only the boys visited, and Saturday morning EVERYONE was there at the same time. They all headed to a pumpkin patch when we headed to Iowa to visit Grandpa Dick.
Griffin and Eddie (lower left picture above) are only 10 days apart. Griffin is the older of the two. Was funny to watch them play, because Griffin has 3 big brothers so he knows how to deal with the rough and tough play, but yet he is sensitive, so when they were alone he was all about playing with Eddie.
Here are 17 of the 21 (i think?) great grandchildren. Only ones missing are Kieran, Grady, Madden and Mitch. We hardly have this many together at the same time at Christmas.

This was our first attempt at the Ed picture. Eddie wasn't having it at all. Ed III and Great Papa weren't much for smiling either.
But you give a boy a blanket and a pacifier, and he is golden. Of course we stole the pacifier for the picture. But everyone was able to smile then.
Here are a few more from the Moline crew. Rowan, Sydney and Kate at the bottom. I will have to find the picture from when the three of them were like 6 months old together. That is why we needed a new one of the 3 of them. So cute. Eddie and Dylan had a few rumbles over Mater. Nana and Rowan were playing Plumber Crack on her iPad, so Eddie wanted things put in his pants. Great Papa helped him out with that.
I think Great Papa and Grandma Jan were ready for us all to leave by noon on Saturday. They tolerate the crowd very well though.
So then we were on our way to Iowa to see Grandpa Dick. We arrived around 1pm, had some take out Chinese, and played lots of games. Rowan was pulling out new games left and right. Eddie was all about the marbles. Rowan at one point was trying to teach Grandpa Dick all about the iPad. We entertained them all for a few hours then stopped for some ice cream at Orange Leaf, and then hit the road home. It's always nice to have a day at home. We got home around 9pm. Usually Ed and I are keeping each other awake when driving, so we tried a 5 hour energy for the first time. And it was great. We both were wide awake and had no problem going to sleep when we got home. My new rescue drink. Might need to try it on my night shifts from now on. Could get pricey though!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

50 days and counting...

It's Official...Disney trip is booked.

We will be Orlando bound November 9th! Rowan is so excited!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


So, this is what we have spent the last two nights doing. Yesterday we had 5 yards of dirt delivered. So we (but really Ed) edged all around the house so we could fill in with dirt. We had only planned to do the front of the house and part of the side by the air conditioner, but we had a bit more dirt than planned, so we just kept going around the house. Needless to say, we did it all except the garage side of the house.

Then today, Eddie and I picked up landscape fabric and some plants/bushes, which we planted tonight, and just as we finished spreading the last shovel full of dirt, they arrived with our 6 yards of mulch. Ugh! Tomorrow night.

This being said, we regret not doing our landscaping sooner since we got it done so fast, and for really not as much money as we were anticipating. But, live and learn I guess.

Monday, September 17, 2012

18 Months Old

Weight: 25.5 lbs (45th percentile)
Height: 34 in. (91st percentile)
Head: 19.3 in. (82nd percentile)

Eddie's 18 month appointment was rather uneventful today. I didn't have any concerns. He is pretty on track with life. Probably could be talking more, but the doctor said it is normal. He probably says less than 10 words. (Momma, Daddy, gizzy, no, please, doggy...that's probably about it.) He should probably be drinking more milk than he is, but Rowan was the same way at this age. Didn't like milk as much from a sippy cup. He will drink it, but he doesn't chug it by any means.

The doctor asked me how he ate, and my response was, "more than his 4 year old sister". He only gained 1/2 pound in 3 months. But he is contantly going, and he really does eat just as much if not more than Rowan, so I really wasn't concerned, and neither was the doctor really.

Otherwise, he had to get 3 vaccines today. (Hep A, Hib, and DTap) And we will have to go back in the next couple months for the flu shot. Of course he cried, but overall he did fine. He wanted the bandaids off immediately, I think he thought that was what was hurting him. Rowan was at school when we went for the appintment, and all she was concerned about was seeing his owies when we got home. Such a little Mommy she is.

Monday, September 10, 2012

1st day of 4K

Rowan is so excited for school to start. I hope she enjoys it as much as last year.
 Eddie will have no problem playing by himself while she is at school. Finally all the toys to himself.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Eddie Spaghetti

Eddie loved his spaghetti for dinner tonight. Lived up to his name!

Go Packers

Sporting our new Packer jerseys, courtesy of Aunt Karen and Uncle Doug!
We were out running some errands this morning. Then home for lunch and playtime. Uncle Ted stopped by on his way through, heading home from Door County. Was nice to see him! The kids took advantage of his fun Papa abilities. 
As you can see, Rowan wasn't about taking a normal picture. She is the reason I have gray hairs at 30!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Pink Pigs, goats and sheep

We took a trip to Mukwonago today to celebrate Quinn's 1st Birthday! Andi was nice enough to host and prepare the party for Casey and Jake. They all did a great job. Poor Quinn was a bit sleepy and crabby at times, but over all, she enjoyed her little party I think.
The kids (and adults too) had fun playing together. Lots of new toys for my kids to enjoy, and other kids that we just don't get to see enough of.
The kids made 'pigs in a blanket' for their lunch and got to color pigs too.
Miss Quinn got lots of great gifts, clothes, toys, fun fun fun.
She wasn't too into her cake, but the rest of the kids did a fine job helping her eat it. The big kids played pin the tail on the pig, and got fun little gift bags to go as well.
After the party, we headed to 'the shop' with Aaron and the boys to see their goats and sheep. Each of the boys has their own goat and Ainsley has a sheep. Breyson does really well with them. Rowan was a little out of her element, but had fun in the pen too. Eddie was afraid, surprising? Nope. Rowan got to take a ride in the field on the 4-wheeler with the boys and Aaron too.
After this day full of fun, we were on our way home. It is always so nice to see everyone, wish it were longer. But whenever Casey and Jake are home, it is go go go for them. Too many people to see and things to do.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Bremberger

We took a last minute trip to visit Grandma Pam and Grandpa Bill today. They were at our house with Cadi on Tuesday to watch Rowan and Eddie for us, and were both on vacation today, so the kids and I decided to pay them a visit. This is Rowan's last week before starting school on Monday, so we hit the highway. We played outside a lot, had a picnic lunch outside, Great Grandma Elaine and Great Grandpa Ron stopped by to visit, and we played some more before heading home for dinner.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The New Zoo

The zoo in Green Bay was a whole new experience this visit. Rowan and Eddie were both afraid of the Giraffes, so Mom got to feed them. Eddie was also afraid of every concrete statue of an animal as well as the goats. But Rowan was ready to smile next to each and every concrete animal in the park. And she fed the goats all by herself. We also got to take a little train trip today too. It was a great day for the zoo, all the kids are back in school pretty much, so it was us and the senior citizens at the zoo today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ottoman Fun

So...the kids found a whole new place to play when we dug out the Hungry Hippo game and Squinkies from the Ottoman. Way more fun to empty out the contents and climb inside. Sometimes we play with things inside it too. Rowan just lifts Eddie right in and out.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Labor Day visits

Aunt Amanda came to spend the weekend with us! She came up friday night after work and stayed through Monday. We went shopping on Saturday at the outlet mall. Then she watched the kids for us while we attended a wedding for one of Ed's co-workers in Green Lake. Then Sunday we just hung out and played while Ed golfed with some work guys. I had to work Sunday night, so we had breakfast Monday morning then I was off to bed.
On Friday we met Nana and Papa at Red Robin for lunch last minute. They were on their way through headed to Door County for the weekend. And they stopped on Monday for lunch too while I was sleeping. Never heard a thing. Was a bit jealous that I missed out on Taco Bell!