Sunday, February 5, 2012

kicked out

Ed kicked the kids and I out of the house for the weekend so that he could work on the basement. So we headed to Lyndon Station to visit Grandpa Bill and Grandma Pam. We left Saturday morning after breakfast. When we arrived, Grandma, Eddie and I headed to the outlet mall to do some shopping. Rowan opted to stay home and play with Grandpa Bill. And, oh did they play. She had him running ragged! They were in and out of the house playing outside in the snow, on the sled, on the 4 wheeler, in the house playing games, watching cartoons, you name it, they did it.

Then that evening, Great Grandma Elaine and Great Grandpa Ron came over for dinner and to visit, as well as Stu and Deb. So the kids entertained them all. It was nice to see all of them.
Sunday, we had breakfast, and played some more, had lunch and then headed home shortly after. It was a short visit, but long enough for Ed to work on the basement enough that he was too sore to do anymore by the time we were home on Sunday! 
Eddie even got to try out the 4 wheeler and sled a bit. He liked it, but it's hard for him to move around in snowpants and boots, so he wasn't a fan of it for long.

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