Saturday, November 26, 2011


....we have an army crawler on our hands! Video to come sometime after my bizillion days of working!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Tis the Season

Despite the fact that I was stuck at work until 330am, we still managed to get the outside lights up, the Christmas Tree up, and the train out too. Rowan and her Dad are truly mesmorized by the train. And I think Eddie isn't too far behind. Rowan aka clutsy, flustered her Daddy one too many times today by knocking the train off the track and needing help fixing it. I think the batteries might mysteriously disappear a few times before Christmas comes!
Hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. There wasn't any Black Friday shopping done here today due to working more than planned and having to head back to work tonight. Perhaps some online shopping will be in our future this weekend?

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

More pictures of the littlest turkey. Probably the only time in his life that Eddie will wear the same onesie in one week. But we had to get our wear out of the 'turkey' shirt!

Originally it was going to be just us for the day because I have to work at 3pm. But yesterday Nana called and asked if we would have enough food for a couple more. Of course we would, Ed bought a 19# turkey! So Nana, Papa, Tulah and Monty joined us! Monty was the highlight of the day (sorry Nana and Papa), he is Dusty and Julie's new puppy, Nana and Papa were dog sitting while they are in Florida on vacation for the week. This was our first time seeing him in person. He was super cute, and Rowan loved him. She was hugging him constantly and following him, and by the end of the day was picking him up. He went for a ride in the shopping cart, wore Gizmo's Packer shirt (sure doesn't fit Giz anymore) just despite Uncle Dusty the Bears fan, and was locked in Rowan's room with her getting the Gizmo treatment. Poor guy. He was exhausted by the time they left.
Monty is a licker! Eddie got lots of kisses, thankfully someone was there to save him from the little pup. Nana and Papa have just as many grandpups as grandkids! Yikes!

The day was cut short for myself as I had to head to work at 3pm for the night. Nana and Papa headed home shortly after I left for work. And we were all able to celebrate a Packer win, again!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

tooth #3

Cutie pie in the tub showing off his third tooth. First one on the top, and it's neighbor isn't far behind!

Monday, November 21, 2011

36 Weeks

Mommy's little Turkeys!
Of course Rowan wouldn't put some normal clothes on for our picture taking, oh well. Now everyone can see what I put up with on a daily basis.

Monday, November 14, 2011

8 Months Old

...or 35 weeks

Little brother and Big Sister...
Not sure what has changed in the last month? His method of getting around is rolling or stationary 360's. No crawling yet. He pushes up, but hasn't gotten the knees to cooperate as of yet. Not even army crawling. I am sure he will do it before we know it though.

Since he got his two teeth a couple weeks ago, his sleeping has been subpar. I had him at the doctor last Wednesday to have his ears looked at to make sure nothing else was going on. And they were fine. He dug some hard ear wax out but that was about it. Eddie wasn't a fan of that (nor was Rowan, she started crying right along with Eddie, such a girl) So not sure what the sleeping issue has been. He has never really slept through the night. Here and there he does but nothing consistent. He is too mobile in his crib and rolls over and loses his pacifier and needs to be plugged a few times a night.

His eating habits are about the same. 1/4 cup oatmeal/rice with half to full container of 2nd foods veggies or fruit. This weekend we let him try some mashed potatoes and jello. He seemed to like both. He isn't so into banana chunks, but loves banana in the teething contraption. That is about the extent of his food eating. Otherwise he has 3-4 bottles (6oz) a day. Is usually in bed between 730-830pm, and up between 5-6am. Two naps a day, generally 1.5-2.5 hours each.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Bremberger Xmas 2011

Yes, we have already started the Christmas celebrations. The Bremberger family has made it a tradition to celebrate the second weekend in November for a few years now because Ron and Elaine head to Arizona right after Thanksgiving. And as long as I am off of work we make our best effort to attend. We weren't able to make it last year, so it has been a couple years since we have seen many of the family members.

We headed to Lyndon Station friday night when Ed got home from work and spent the night. Rachel and Ayden joined us, so the kids were able to play friday night as well. And they did very well together. The kept forgetting each others names and calling each other 'that boy' or 'that girl'. It was pretty cute. Ayden was totally into Eddie. He wants a baby! Luckily there was an announcement that Derek and his girlfriend Shannon are expecting a baby at the end of April. That is going to have to work for Ayden, a new baby cousin.

Here is Eddie on his first Christmas celebration of his 1st Christmas!
Rowan and Ayden had a hard time waiting to open presents. And all the kids, Eddie included, loved the train under the tree. The top right picture is Shannon sharing the exciting news! Took Great Grandma Elaine a minuted to catch on. Derek coached her right through.
And a few attempts at pictures of the kids together. Was hoping for a family picture to use for Xmas cards, no such luck.
And here is the entire crew. Turned out surprisingly well. Poor Ayden was awoken from a late nap for the picture, so he wasnt so interested. But the rest of the group cooperated pretty well!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

first snow...

...for Eddie, and for winter 2011.

The day started with rain and ended with snow. So we had some very heavy snow. Perfect for snowman making. And Rowan wouldn't stop asking to go outside. When Ed got home from work, he took her outside to shovel and make a quick snowman. And McKenna and her Daddy joined them for a few minutes of snow fun as well. I took Eddie out to see snow for the first time as well. We aren't quite prepared for him and snow. No boots, and this one piece fleece outfit is almost too small too. Hoping the snowpants make it through the winter, for what he needs anyway. Guess we will have to break those out next time.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

spoiled again

Karen and Doug were here to visit and watch the kids for a few hours today. And for a change, Eddie got to open his own gift. The kids each got a new pair of jammies for the winter! Eddie didn't even care that the bag was pink! Rowan was at preschool when they arrived which is why he got to open the gift on his own!

Monday, November 7, 2011

the kiddos

Rowan smiled for a picture today! Although something had to be in the picture with her i.e. barbie or bear!
Then of course we tried one with Eddie too, not so perfect today, maybe next time! Still cute!

34 Weeks Old

Well, Eddie's smile has changed in the last week He now will show his teeth! Yes, 2 teeth he has now! The second one popped through about 3 days after his first one (10/28/11)! Super cute!
So many funny faces! Goofy boy!