Sunday, November 7, 2010

weekend at home

Our productive weekend at home is slowly coming to an end. Probably our only productive weekend this month too! Between working and Dusty and Julie's Wedding, our weekends are full and busy for the rest of November!

So here is what we did! Thursday night I worked, and Ed had a vacation day on Friday (which is why he didn't have to work this weekend) so him and Rowan hung out while I slept. Ed swapped out our living room furniture. We had other couches in the basement that were in our living room in Hartland, and our current tan furniture is on it's last leg (the feet are falling off), so we decided to throw them away and bring up the other stuff. Saturday we spent the morning in the basement organizing and cleaning. We moved our totes to a different area and created a play area for Rowan. Now that the weather isn't as warm it is hard to get outside, so we were hoping to get her another place to play. We will see how it works. But we were able to get her tent and balls out, and tunnel, and took her bike down there. And probably more outside stuff once we get around to organizing the garage for winter. This was on our list for the weekend but we didn't get that far. We might have gotten a little lazy today.
 In addition to moving around totes, I decided to go through some of the baby stuff and see what we have and what we might need. Hung up clothes but haven't washed anything yet, we will wait until the date gets closer to do all of that. It looks like we have plenty of clothes, but we are long on onesies and cotton gowns/sleepers, but not really appropriate for Wisconsin in March. So might need to get some fleece sleepers to get by the first few weeks (neutral of course). I don't think I will be at Babies R Us buying clothes a week or two after this child is born (not with 2 kids anyways). Working on picking out paint colors for the nursery as well. I have it pretty narrowed down, but can't decide if I want to do green and brown or blue and brown. I did green and brown with Rowan, so would like to switch it up, but don't want it to be too boyish! So we will see.
This morning, Ed headed outside to try to finish up the swingset area. Meaning pulling up grass, laying down weed barrier and laying down mulch. But we ran out of mulch again. Need a few more bags, and I/we just couldn't get ourselves to head to Home Depot today to get more. So hopefully tomorrow so we can get that completely finished up before it snows or something. While he was doing that, Rowan and I made cookies. Nana shared her Peanut butter cookie with Candy Bar recipe with us. This is what you make when you have too many leftover candy bars after Halloween. Let's just say, one batch of cookies didn't put a dent in our leftover chocolate, and this is leftover from what I bought, not what Rowan brought home! More cookies to come this week! Rowan was too funny with the mixer. She kept wanting me to take pictures of her saying 'cheese'. Very weird for her. So I guess when I want a picture of her smiling I need to get the mixer out!

Oh, the other pictures of Rowan are her watching Snow White (the newest movie obsession) on our portable DVD player in our bed! We did finally replace our dead laptop this weekend too. But I guess since one this is replaced, something else should break! Rowan has been watching movies in our bed the last few days so we don't have to give up the living room television, and yesterday our DVD player in our bedroom decided to fail! So this is our current replacement. But we can't afford for the portable one to give up on us either! So might have to replace the DVD player, unless someone has an extra DVD player they want to give us!

That's our weekend in a nutshell. Now onto Packer game and snacks!


Nicole said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Great pictures as always! Rowan is such a cute little ham!

carolyn said...

sounds like a productive weekend. can i have that cookie candy bar recipe? i have far too much halloween candy in this house!