Tuesday, November 9, 2010

no tears

Today Rowan got her 1st Flu shot, and I was a bit anxious about it! This was the first time I had taken her in just to have something painful done. And also the first time without the pacifier. So I didn't know how she was going to react. Not that the pacifier took away all the tears or pain in the past, but it was her soothing method. So this time, we took a baby along, and I had some chocolate for afterwards.

And truly, she did awesome. She said 'owie' when she got stuck, and her eyes welled up a bit and the lip tremored briefly, but that was it. No crying or screaming at all. Let's not tell her about the second one in another month!

Can't believe they didn't have any cute bandaids for a 2 year old!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Tough little cookie! Way to go, Rowan.