Monday, November 1, 2010

20 weeks

Half way done...

This morning we had our ultrasound. For the most part the baby cooperated nicely. The ultrasound tech was having issues getting views of the brain as the baby kept burying itself deep in my pelvis. But otherwise there was much cooperation.
My doctor didn't end up being in the office today as she had surgery recently, but they still wanted me to come in for the ultrasound. So she called me in the afternoon to discuss the ultrasound results. She really had nothing but good things to say about it. My due date based on my last period has been March 21, and based on baby's size they came up with March 19th, so we are staying with the 21st. My cervix is long, placenta looks good and is posterior (NO MORE PREVIA!). Fluid amount is good. Heart has 4 chambers which rules out 60-70% of heart defects, brain structures look normal as well. Heart Rate on ultrasound was 138. The AFP (blood test) that I had at my last appointment (rules out spina bifida to a certain percent) came back normal.

Otherwise, my next appointment is in 5 weeks when I will have my glucose test done as well as seeing the MD.

Ed and I have been discussing the fetal echo that my MD wants me to have and that is currently scheduled for December. It honestly only came to discussion when our insurance bills started rolling in, because part of us feels it to be unnecessary, mainly only because we never had it done with Rowan, and we will pay for it out of our pocket basically because we haven't met our deductible still this year. So I asked the MD her thoughts about us not doing it. She said it is our choice to refuse, and that the only thing the results might change is where I would deliver. If it was a major heart issue, she would have me deliver in Milwaukee so the baby could go to Children's for surgery. But to my knowledge, most surgeries aren't done until the babies are bigger anyway, but it would be the best care for the baby. Also, I would feel extremely guilty if I refused the fetal echo and something did end up wrong with the babies heart. So we agreed that we would move the echo to January so that it goes on next years deductible. If we are going to pay for it, we might as well get ahead on next years deductible right away. (On a side note, if I haven't mentioned this fetal echo before, my MD wants me to have it done because my half brother was born with a congenital heart defect that he had repaired when he was less than a year old.)

Belly pics to come in another post!


Nicole said...

Oh, Megan, what a sweet little baby! He or she looks SO cozy in there! So glad everything went well and hope that continues. Congrats on your resolved previa...what a relief! Looking forward to seeing your little baby bump :-)

Cora said...

Way to move out of the way placenta! The baby looks wonderful! And I think that it has Rowan's nose. I love the ever expanding belly! You look great. But every time I see pics, it does make me sad that you are so far away, and that we're missing this!

I also like the ECHO in Jan plan. Gotta maximize that out of pocket max!

Katie said...

Those are awesome ultrasound pics...just amazing! Glad to hear that things are going so well!

Tammy Sue said...

AWWWW. awesome 3D pics! Almost feels like you can reach in there and touch the little person ; )