Saturday, February 13, 2010

Princess Party...

Tonight Rowan attended a Princess Birthday Party for her friend Maya who was turning 4!

So Rowan got to wear a princess dress, and do many princess like things. Because Rowan was a bit younger than the other girls, I got to do most of the activities for her. We decorated a glass slipper, we made candy necklaces, we played dress up (Rowan loved the play make-up table, might have to put that on the xmas list for 2010), we danced to princess music, we ate ice cream like princesses, you name it, these girls did it. Thanks in part to Lisa, the ultimate party planner. I think I might hire her out for Rowan's next party! She decorates to the hills, so creative and thoughtful! The older girls stayed and watched Cinderella in their pj's, but Rowan and I headed home as she doesn't sit still for movies and it was her bedtime anyways! But she had a blast, she played so hard she fell asleep in the car on the way home!
Thanks Maya for letting the 'baby' come to your party!

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