Tuesday, October 13, 2009

15 Month check-up...

Yesterday, Rowan and I were at the Pediatrician's office for her 15 month well check-up. She looks great and did great as well.

Weight: 21 pounds 10 1/2 ounces (30th percentile)
Height: 31 3/4 inches (80th percentile)

Things we discussed: My only issue with her right now is the fact that she refuses to drink milk out of a sippy cup, therefore we are still using bottles. I had a feeling that he was going to tell me to ditch the bottles asap, but he didn't. He said to deal with the bottles for 3 more months, because her milk intake is still too important to not have her drink it. So I am stuck washing bottles for 3 more months, unless she decides to learn to drink it from a cup.

She got 3 shots (chickenpox vaccine, influenza vaccine, and the DTP booster) She surprisingly didn't scream like usual, although she did cry of course, but who wouldn't. She has quite the bruise from one of them too.

We discussed her feet as well. Her daddy is a bit worried about her being pigeon toed. But the pediatrician says they don't worry until almost 3 years old now. He thinks the reason she turns them in so much is because she still has a newborn reflex (can't think of the medical term right now) where they curl their toes around your finger when you push on the bottom of their foot, so therefore she walks like a monkey sort of. When she puts pressure on her foot, her toes curl, which pulls her feet inward. He just said try to keep her in shoes with a hard sole to prevent her toes from curling, and if I really wanted to, I could put her shoes on the wrong feet to pull her feet more straight. Not sure I am that worried to put the girl through that.

Otherwise, she is good. She has had a runny nose for over a week, thinking that is teeth related, but haven't seen any new ones yet. She is very social, sleeps well, and is in the right range for her talking and number of words too. Her vocabulary consists of: mumma, daddy, doggie, popple (popsicle), eeze (please), ball, what, boo. I might be leaving some out, but that is what we recognize and she says frequently.

I guess that is all for now. She is growing and learning every day. Can't believe she is 15 months old!

Sorry no photos for this post. Perhaps a new video again soon of her dancing!

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