Monday, August 31, 2009


Rowan seems to think she is big and can walk down stairs upright and all by herself. Boy is she wrong. She won't take to the learning by going down backwards, so she tried to hold on to spindles if they are available and walk down. Not good. She is quite the daredevil with no fear!

Here she is, running to the neighbors house. She frequents their garage and "borrows" toys! That is what you get for leaving your garage door open Gail!

The Box...

If you were given a box to play with....

...who wouldn't climb in and play with their dolls! I didn't get the picture quite in time, she was already climbing out! But you get the idea!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Park...

Last night we were invited to Karen and Doug's house for dinner. So while we waited for Daddy and Doug to get home, we took a short trip to the park. The weather was a bit questionable, therefore it was a short time. But Rowan enjoyed herself!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Rowan and Breyson...

My how they have grown...
July 2008
August 2009

Double Rainbow...

With the crazy weather we have had today, there was a double rainbow!

Playdate with Breyson...

Rowan and I had lunch with Andrea, Breyson and Crystal today, and did some severe playing and book reading! It appears as though both Rowan and Breyson are very into books these days. They don't exactly care what the book is about, but they will bring you a book and want to sit on your lap and flip through it, hearing a word here or there, and then they are done. Too cute.

They play very well together. Honestly, they do there own thing, occassionally the same activity at the same time, but rarely. So far neither of them really has an issue with sharing, so far was the key word in that statement. It is so fun to see them together!
Rowan had some issues with her diaper and pants today, her crack made an appearance more than necessary. She will hate me for this picture when she is older!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Baby Shower...

Yesterday, Rowan, Grandma Pam, and I, attended a baby shower for family friend, Kaitlin! Rowan had a blast. There were balloons to play with, food to eat, presents to help open, and a few other kids to play with as well. Rowan was very friendly with all the people there, and played nicely. She got many compliments from everyone there!

Monday, August 10, 2009

1 Year Pictures...

Near the end of July, my cousin Jessie, who is an aspiring photographer and is in the process of starting her own photography company, took Rowan's pictures for me, as well as for some practice for herself. These are a few, okay, more than a few, of the pictures that she took. I had a hard time deciding. Jessie gave me the CD of all the pictures she took, so it is hard to decide which ones I liked best. Once we have a home of our own, I will print more of them to help decorate the house! Enjoy!


She pooped, she pooped!!

Rowan managed to poop in the bathtub again tonight. Apparently she gets a bit too relaxed in the tub. It sucks bleaching the tub, the bath seat and all toys in the tub. I guess I shouldn't give her so much time to play!

You will be glad to know I didn't take any pictures of the floating poop. I will admit, the first time she did it, I was mad I didn't get a picture, this time, the thought didn't even cross my mind. I was too busy gagging while cleaning the tub with my rubber gloves on!

Contact dermatitis...Again!...

So, yesterday afternoon, before we left my dad's house, my right eyebrow was starting to itch. There seemed to be a rash starting, but I didn't really think anything of it. Then as the evening went on, it continued to itch, and I would occassionally scratch. I put some Benadryl cream on it before going to bed, and managed to wake up this morning with my right eye half swollen shut. Interesting.

I called and was able to get into the doctor (if I wasn't supposed to work tonight, I wouldn't have gone to the doctor, would have waited it out another day) So after being the the office waiting for the doctor for 1 hour total from the time I walked in the door, she diagnosed it as contact dermatitis, prescribed some heavy duty hydrocortisone cream and told me to take zyrtec for a few days. If it isn't better within 24 hours she will give me an oral steroid. What a waste of my time and money, but Ed also insisted that I go. Now it has been 15 hours since I woke up this morning, and I don't think it has changed. It looks pretty nasty, at least my vision isn't affected, other than a droopy eyelid. Needless to say, I took an extra night of rest and relaxation. Not that I am relaxing, there is always too many things to do once the baby is in bed.

Another post with no pictures, sorry!

Sunday Swimming...

Yesterday, Rowan, Ed and I spent a few hours over at Grandpa and Grandma Knutson's house. The plan was to enjoy the pool with the prediction of 90 degree weather. Yes the weather was very warm, but with the recent rain, the pool was a frigid 74 degrees. It didn't seem to bother Rowan too much, but I was in and out quickly. Too cold for me. It was rather overcast when we were there, which made the weather more tolerable, but had the sun been out, perhaps the pool water would have been more tolerable. We headed home just before the storms started!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Great Grandma is Home...

Yesterday, Ed, Rowan and I took Grandma K. to Mukwonago with us to swim and have lunch with Andrea and Breyson!

Grandma Audrey is home from Florida. She hasn't seen her great grandchildren in quite some time. So she enjoyed reading to them and playing with them. It was a beautiful day to spend in the pool and playing.

The Swingset...

Well, the swingset finally resembles play equipment. We had some issues with a stain color, so this is the second color we chose. From far away it looks fine, but it truly needs another coat of stain. Also, it isn't secured into the ground, so big kids/people can't play on it quite yet. But it looks very nice!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

1st Corn on the Cob...

Tonight, Nana gave Rowan a piece of corn on the cob to keep her quiet while we were finishing dinner, and next thing we knew she was eating it. She ate almost half of the cob. She did a great job!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

OshKosh and a car...

Last week Monday, Ed interviewed in OshKosh, at OshKosh Corp. for a Buyer position. And Thursday night, the recruiter called and offered him a 3-6 month contract job with them. Which he of course accepted. The downfall is that it is a contract position, but it is a job, and it is experience. Being that it is a contract job, we won't be changing our residence as of now, he will be commuting until it becomes something different.

Therefore we headed out car shopping friday afternoon. Our intent was just to look and test drive a few cars to get an idea of what we were interested in. But instead, we found one we liked, and traded in the 2001 Ford Sport Trac for a 2007 Toyota Camry! We will miss that truck, we can no longer haul big items! But we will benefit from the gas mileage on the Camry much more at this point.